Tuition Waivers
Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver
Senior citizens who are sixty (60) years of age or older and meet Florida residency requirements for tuition are eligible for a Tuition Waiver.
Please read all information regarding Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver policies, procedures, and FAQs before proceeding.
State Employee Tuition Waiver
State of Florida employees classified as permanent full-time employees may be allowed to register on a space-available basis at the University for a maximum of six semester hours of tuition-free courses per semester. Employees of the state include employees of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of state government. Persons employed by state universities, community colleges, or school districts are not eligible for a State Employee Tuition Waiver. UWF employees may be eligible for an Employee Tuition Waiver.
Please read all information regarding State Employee Tuition Waiver policies, procedures, and FAQs before proceeding.