Class Attendance

Class Attendance

The University expects students to take full responsibility for their academic work and academic progress. To progress satisfactorily, students must meet the requirements of each course for which they are registered. Successful work depends to a large extent on regular class attendance.  

Class attendance is regarded as an academic matter. Each faculty member will provide a written attendance policy to each class within the first week of classes. It is the responsibility of students to know the attendance policy of each course they are taking. Students must inform their instructor(s) of absences from classes prior to or as soon as possible after the absence. Instructors have the right to request verification for all excused absences. Students are held accountable for all assignments in each course, whether or not the assignments were announced during an absence. Faculty members must allow each student who is absent due to a reason recognized as an "excused absence," as set forth below, the opportunity to make up work missed without any reduction in the student's final course grade as a direct result of such an absence. 

The use of attendance records in grading and handling of any excuses for absences is left to the discretion of the faculty member responsible for the course, subject to the guidelines given below:

  • Students will be excused from class to observe religious holidays of their faith in accordance with UWF/REG 3.041Religious Observances.
  • Absences for imposed legal responsibilities (e.g., jury duty, court appearances) and military obligations will be recognized as excused absences.
  • Absences resulting from participation in extracurricular activities in which students are official representatives of the University will be recognized as excused absences.
  • Absences for serious illness, death or serious illness within the student's immediate family.
  • Other sound reasons offered by the student may be accepted as excused absences.

Reserve/National Guard Duty

To fulfill a reservist or National Guard military obligation of no more than two weeks concurrent with a normal academic semester at UWF, students must receive written permission for such absences from the instructors and departmental chairpersons for each course in which they are enrolled. The approval is not automatic but is discretionary with the instructors and departmental chairpersons.