Theatre, Fine Arts

Degree:Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A)
Design and Technology
Musical Theatre
Building 82, Room 211
College:Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
CIP Code:50.0501
Semester Hours Required For Degree: 120

Musical Theatre

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theatre provides students with a hands-on, personalized education. Students work closely in classes and on stage with faculty who provide training and experience to accelerate students to a professional level. This program affords the opportunity for you to hone your craft with industry professionals. 


The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting degree provides students with a core curriculum that is challenging, dynamic, and relevant to today's professional theatre world. 

Design and Technology

The Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design and Technology provides students with an interactive program that prepares them for careers in scenic, lighting, and costume design and the technology skills that support each field. 

Program Requirements

In addition to general University requirements, students seeking the BFA in Theatre must meet the requirements below:

  • Maintain a GPA of 2.50 or higher
  • A grade of ‘C’ or better is required in all Theatre Courses
  • Audition for all UWF Theatre Productions (BFA Music Theatre/BFA Acting)

Required Prior to Admission to BFA Music Theatre/BFA Acting:

  • A ‘B’ or better in THE 2000 Theatre Appreciation or equivalent course
  • A ‘B’ or better in TPP 2110 Acting I or equivalent course

Required Prior to Admission to BFA Design and Technology:

  • A 'B' or better in THE 2000 Theatre Appreciation or equivalent course
  • A 'B' or better in TPA 2200 Technical Theatre or equivalent course

BA Theatre majors may not earn this major. 

BFA Acting Specialization 

General Education

In addition to the General Education requirements listed on this page, students must satisfy all additional University requirements, including the College-Level Communication and Computation, multicultural, and foreign language requirements. With appropriate planning and coordination with an academic advisor, students may satisfy some of the general University requirements through the General Education curriculum. For a complete listing of general degree requirements, refer to the University Requirements section of this catalog.

General Education Curriculum:

Multicultural Requirement

Civic Literacy Requirement

The 2017 Florida Legislature amended Section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, to require students initially entering a State University System (SUS) and/or Florida College System (FCS) institution in 2018-2019 and thereafter to demonstrate competency in civic literacy. The 2021 Legislature further amended Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a civic literacy course and an exam. As a result, there are three cohorts of students currently matriculating at Florida public institutions subject to varying requirements. As demonstrated in the table below, the exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.

Students Included in Cohort Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
Cohort 1: Students first entering the SUS or FCS prior to fall 2018 None
Cohort 2: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2018 – summer A 2021 Complete a course or exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041 )
Cohort 3: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in summer B 2021 (on or after July 1, 2021) and thereafter Complete both a course and exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041)

Additionally, the 2021 Legislature made two additional exceptions: approving the use of accelerated mechanisms for meeting the course competency requirement and exempting high school students who pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam in high school from the postsecondary exam requirement. These two changes are in effect for Cohort 3.

There are multiple ways to satisfy this requirement. Students should work with their academic advisor to determine which option is best for their degree requirements/degree plan. 

Additional information can be found on our Civic Literacy website, SUS regulation BOG 8.006 and Florida Statute s.1007.25(4,a-b).

Mathematics Pathway

Students are advised to complete the following courses to fulfill the mathematics pathway that aligns with the mathematics skills needed for success in their program and their career goals. Students should refer to their academic advisor for questions about the math pathway for their program. For information about this requirement, refer to the catalog page for Mathematics PathwaysThese courses may also fulfill requirements for General Education and Common Prerequisites. 

Mathematical Thinking in Context
MGF 1130Mathematical Thinking3
MGF 1131Mathematics in Context3

Common Prerequisites

State-mandated common prerequisites must be completed prior to graduation, but are not required for admission to the program. See the Common Prerequisite Manual for course substitutions from Florida colleges and universities.

THE 2000Theatre Appreciation *3
THE 2300Survey of Dramatic Literature *3
THE 2925Play Production1
TPA 2200+LTechnical Theatre (+Lab)4
THE, TPA, TPP prefix lower division electives9
Choose one of the following:1-3
Acting I
Rehearsal and Performance
Total Hours21-23

Indicates common prerequisites which can be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

Lower Division Electives

Students must complete sufficient 1000/2000 level electives to satisfy at least 60 semester hours (sh) in the lower division. Current UWF students may use elective courses at any level (1000-4000) to meet this elective requirement.7-9
Total Hours7-9

Theater Core

TPA 2248Introduction to Stage Makeup3
TPP 3650Script Analysis +3
TPP 3310Play Directing +3
THE 3112History of Theatre I +3
THE 3113History of Theatre II +3
THE 3306Dramatic Literature II +3
THE 3092Theatrical Production & Performance (Must be taken 4 times) +4
THE 4970Senior Project +3
Total Hours25

Acting Specialization Option

TPP 2744CVoice for the Actor (repeatable)2
TPP 2513CMovement for the Actor (repeatable)2
TPP 3102LActing Studio (One (1) semester hour each taken for six (6) semesters)6
TPP 3155Acting II +3
TPP 4113Acting III +3
TPP 3221Audition Techniques +3
TPP 3121Acting Improvisation +3
Choose one of the following:3
Scene Design I +
Costume Design I +
Lighting Design I +
Total Hours25

Major Related Electives 

3000/4000 Level Advisor Approved Major Related Electives10
Total Hours10

BFA Design and Technology Specialization 

General Education

In addition to the General Education requirements listed on this page, students must satisfy all additional University requirements, including the College-Level Communication and Computation, multicultural, and foreign language requirements. With appropriate planning and coordination with an academic advisor, students may satisfy some of the general University requirements through the General Education curriculum. For a complete listing of general degree requirements, refer to the University Requirements section of this catalog.

General Education Curriculum:

Multicultural Requirement

Civic Literacy Requirement

The 2017 Florida Legislature amended Section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, to require students initially entering a State University System (SUS) and/or Florida College System (FCS) institution in 2018-2019 and thereafter to demonstrate competency in civic literacy. The 2021 Legislature further amended Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a civic literacy course and an exam. As a result, there are three cohorts of students currently matriculating at Florida public institutions subject to varying requirements. As demonstrated in the table below, the exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.

Students Included in Cohort Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
Cohort 1: Students first entering the SUS or FCS prior to fall 2018 None
Cohort 2: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2018 – summer A 2021 Complete a course or exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041 )
Cohort 3: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in summer B 2021 (on or after July 1, 2021) and thereafter Complete both a course and exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041)

Additionally, the 2021 Legislature made two additional exceptions: approving the use of accelerated mechanisms for meeting the course competency requirement and exempting high school students who pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam in high school from the postsecondary exam requirement. These two changes are in effect for Cohort 3.

There are multiple ways to satisfy this requirement. Students should work with their academic advisor to determine which option is best for their degree requirements/degree plan. 

Additional information can be found on our Civic Literacy website, SUS regulation BOG 8.006 and Florida Statute s.1007.25(4,a-b).

Mathematics Pathway

Students are advised to complete the following courses to fulfill the mathematics pathway that aligns with the mathematics skills needed for success in their program and their career goals. Students should refer to their academic advisor for questions about the math pathway for their program. For information about this requirement, refer to the catalog page for Mathematics PathwaysThese courses may also fulfill requirements for General Education and Common Prerequisites. 

Mathematical Thinking in Context
MGF 1130Mathematical Thinking3
MGF 1131Mathematics in Context3

Common Prerequisites

State-mandated common prerequisites must be completed prior to graduation, but are not required for admission to the program. See the Common Prerequisite Manual for course substitutions from Florida colleges and universities.

THE 2000Theatre Appreciation *3
THE 2300Survey of Dramatic Literature *3
THE 2925Play Production1
TPA 2200+LTechnical Theatre (+Lab)4
THE, TPA, TPP prefix lower division electives9
Chose one of the following:1-3
Acting I
Rehearsal and Performance
Total Hours21-23

Indicates common prerequisites which can be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

Lower Division Electives

Students must complete sufficient 1000/2000 level electives to satisfy at least 60 semester hours (sh) in the lower division. Current UWF students may use elective courses at any level (1000-4000) to meet this elective requirement.10-12
Total Hours10-12

Theatre Core

TPA 2248Introduction to Stage Makeup3
TPP 3650Script Analysis +3
TPP 3310Play Directing +3
THE 3112History of Theatre I +3
THE 3113History of Theatre II +3
THE 3306Dramatic Literature II +3
THE 3092Theatrical Production & Performance (Must be taken 4 times) +4
THE 4970Senior Project +3
Total Hours25

Design Technology Specialization

TPA 3004LDrawing for the Stage (Must be taken 4 times)4
TPA 3905 Directed Study (Design II) +3
Choose one of the following:3
Costume History +
Architecture and Decor +
Chose two of the following:6
Scene Design I +
Costume Design I +
Lighting Design I +
Choose two of the following:6
Costume Construction +
Stage Management +
Scene Painting +
Performing Arts Administration +
Total Hours22

Major Related Electives 

3000/4000 Level Advisor Approved Major Related Electives10
Total Hours10

BFA Musical Theatre Specialization

General Education

In addition to the General Education requirements listed on this page, students must satisfy all additional University requirements, including the College-Level Communication and Computation, multicultural, and foreign language requirements. With appropriate planning and coordination with an academic advisor, students may satisfy some of the general University requirements through the General Education curriculum. For a complete listing of general degree requirements, refer to the University Requirements section of this catalog.

General Education Curriculum:

Multicultural Requirement

Civic Literacy Requirement

The 2017 Florida Legislature amended Section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, to require students initially entering a State University System (SUS) and/or Florida College System (FCS) institution in 2018-2019 and thereafter to demonstrate competency in civic literacy. The 2021 Legislature further amended Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a civic literacy course and an exam. As a result, there are three cohorts of students currently matriculating at Florida public institutions subject to varying requirements. As demonstrated in the table below, the exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.

Students Included in Cohort Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
Cohort 1: Students first entering the SUS or FCS prior to fall 2018 None
Cohort 2: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2018 – summer A 2021 Complete a course or exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041 )
Cohort 3: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in summer B 2021 (on or after July 1, 2021) and thereafter Complete both a course and exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041)

Additionally, the 2021 Legislature made two additional exceptions: approving the use of accelerated mechanisms for meeting the course competency requirement and exempting high school students who pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam in high school from the postsecondary exam requirement. These two changes are in effect for Cohort 3.

There are multiple ways to satisfy this requirement. Students should work with their academic advisor to determine which option is best for their degree requirements/degree plan. 

Additional information can be found on our Civic Literacy website, SUS regulation BOG 8.006 and Florida Statute s.1007.25(4,a-b).

Mathematics Pathway

Students are advised to complete the following courses to fulfill the mathematics pathway that aligns with the mathematics skills needed for success in their program and their career goals. Students should refer to their academic advisor for questions about the math pathway for their program. For information about this requirement, refer to the catalog page for Mathematics PathwaysThese courses may also fulfill requirements for General Education and Common Prerequisites. 

Mathematical Thinking in Context
MGF 1130Mathematical Thinking3

Common Prerequisites

State-mandated common prerequisites must be completed prior to graduation, but are not required for admission to the program. See the Common Prerequisite Manual for course substitutions from Florida colleges and universities.

THE 2000Theatre Appreciation *3
THE, TPA, TPP prefix lower division electives9
THE 2300Survey of Dramatic Literature *3
THE 2925Play Production1
TPA 2200+LTechnical Theatre (+Lab)4
Choose one of the following:1-3
Acting for Non-majors
Rehearsal and Performance
Total Hours21-23

Indicates common prerequisites which can be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

Lower Division Electives

Students must complete sufficient 1000/2000 level electives to satisfy at least 60 semester hours (sh) in the lower division. Current UWF students may use elective courses at any level (1000-4000) to meet this elective requirement.0-2


Theatre Core:15
Introduction to Stage Makeup
History of Theatre I +
History of Theatre II +
Play Directing +
Script Analysis +
Choose 1 of the following:3
Scene Design I
Lighting Design I
Costume Design I
Acting Core:19
Movement for the Actor
Voice for the Actor
Audition Techniques
Acting II +
Acting III +
Theatrical Production & Performance (1 sh for 6 semesters) +
Music Theatre Specialization:30
Freshman Theory
Class Piano I
Freshman Theory Lab
Acting for Musical Theatre
Music Theatre Voice I (1 sh for 4 semesters) +
Music Theatre Voice II (1 sh for 4 semesters)
Music Theatre Dance Skills (2 sh for 2 semesters)
Music Theatre Dance Styles (2 sh for 2 semesters)
Musical Theatre History +
Music Theatre Scene Study +
Total Hours67

Theatre Minor

The Minor in Theatre requires 21 semester hours (sh) of theatre courses, which must include:

  • 2 sh of Theatrical Production and Performance Laboratory
  • One acting course
  • Technical Theatre + lab
  • 12 sh of approved upper-division theatre courses
TPP XXXX Acting Course3
THE 3092Theatrical Production & Performance2
TPA 2200Technical Theatre3
TPA 2290LTechnical Theatre Laboratory1
3000/4000 Level Advisor Approved Electives12
Total Hours21

A grade of “C” or higher is required in all courses in the minor. The minor must be declared prior to the completion of two courses. Theatre majors may not earn this minor.