
Degrees:Bachelor of Art (B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
Specializations:Biology Teaching
General Biology
Building 58C, Room 104
College:Hal Marcus College of Science and Engineering
CIP Code:26.0101
Semester Hours Required For Degree: 120

Technological breakthroughs in areas such as biochemistry, botany, ecology, genetics, microbiology, molecular biology, and physiology are being used to solve problems in agriculture, the environment, and medical oriented industries. Preparing students at all levels in the education system to work in the sciences is important to solving future problems and making new discoveries. The Department of Biology focuses on areas of modern biology and biotechnology offering a degree in two specializations: B.S. General Biology and B.A. Biology Teaching. The specializations include a series of seven core courses fundamental to all areas of biology. 

Graduates with the B.S. General Biology degree are prepared to gain employment in industry, government, health professions, and research laboratories, or to pursue advanced degrees in the biological sciences. Graduates with the B.A. Biology Teaching degree are certified to teach in the public high school system in Florida. Prospective students need to be aware that some biology lab courses involve the use of live animals. Students may wish to seek details from course instructors before enrolling.

Program Requirements

In addition to the university’s general requirements, students seeking the B.S. or B.A. in Biology must meet the requirements listed below.

A grade of “C-” or better is required in each of the seven biology core courses. Consult with your academic advisor for courses that may satisfy both the General Education requirements and common prerequisites.

A minimum grade of "C-" or better is required in all courses in the program including all Major-Related, Electives and Common Prerequisites.

General Biology Specialization

The General Biology Specialization includes a grounding in the basic areas of biology from molecular to ecological processes. Electives allow students to concentrate in areas of interest, such as microbiology, ecology, etc., at a more advanced level. Directed study hours may be included as electives to increase "hands-on" learning in an area of interest.

A minimum grade of "C-" or better is required in all courses in the program including all Core, Specialization, Subcore, Major-Related, and Common Prerequisites. Some Biology Program courses require prerequisite biology course grades of "C" or better. A Biology Program minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for graduation.

General Education

Biology majors should satisfy the mathematics (6 semester hours) and natural science (6 semester hours) components of General Education with coursework taken from the common prerequisites shown below.

In addition to the General Education requirements listed on this page, students must satisfy all additional University requirements, including the College-Level Communication and Computation, Multicultural, and Foreign Language requirements. With appropriate planning and coordination with an academic advisor, students may satisfy some of the general University requirements through the General Education curriculum. For a complete listing of general degree requirements, refer to the State University Requirements section of this catalog.

General Education Curriculum:

Multicultural Requirement

Civic Literacy Requirement

The 2017 Florida Legislature amended Section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, to require students initially entering a State University System (SUS) and/or Florida College System (FCS) institution in 2018-2019 and thereafter to demonstrate competency in civic literacy. The 2021 Legislature further amended Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a civic literacy course and an exam. As a result, there are three cohorts of students currently matriculating at Florida public institutions subject to varying requirements. As demonstrated in the table below, the exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.

Students Included in Cohort Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
Cohort 1: Students first entering the SUS or FCS prior to fall 2018 None
Cohort 2: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2018 – summer A 2021 Complete a course or exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041 )
Cohort 3: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in summer B 2021 (on or after July 1, 2021) and thereafter Complete both a course and exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041)

Additionally, the 2021 Legislature made two additional exceptions: approving the use of accelerated mechanisms for meeting the course competency requirement and exempting high school students who pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam in high school from the postsecondary exam requirement. These two changes are in effect for Cohort 3.

There are multiple ways to satisfy this requirement. Students should work with their academic advisor to determine which option is best for their degree requirements/degree plan. 

Additional information can be found on our Civic Literacy website, SUS regulation BOG 8.006 and Florida Statute s.1007.25(4,a-b).

Mathematics Pathway

Students are advised to complete the following courses to fulfill the mathematics pathway that aligns with the mathematics skills needed for success in their program and their career goals. Students should refer to their academic advisor for questions about the math pathway for their program. For information about this requirement, refer to the catalog page for Mathematics PathwaysThese courses may also fulfill requirements for General Education and Common Prerequisites. 

Algebra through Calculus
MAC 1105College Algebra3
or MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab
or MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
STA 2023Elements of Statistics3
or MAC 1105 College Algebra
or MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab
or MAC 1114 Trigonometry
or MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
or MAC 2233 Calculus with Business Applications
or MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
or MGF 1130 Mathematical Thinking
or MGF 1131 Mathematics in Context
or STA 2360 Introduction to Data Science
Students will be placed on a starting point based on their mathematics placement.

Common Prerequisites

State-mandated common prerequisites must be completed prior to graduation, but are not required for admission to the program. See the Common Prerequisite Manual for course substitutions from Florida colleges and universities.

Graduation requirements for the B.S. or B.A. degree in Biology include the successful completion of the common prerequisites. Because it will be difficult to incorporate all prerequisites into the 60 semester hours (sh) of the Lower Division Curriculum, students are advised to complete the following common prerequisites:

BSC 2010+LBiology I (+Lab) *4
BSC 2011+LBiology II (+Lab) *4
CHM 2045+LGeneral Chemistry I (+Lab) *4
CHM 2046+LGeneral Chemistry II (+Lab) *4
MAC 2311Analytic Geometry and Calculus I *4
STA 2023Elements of Statistics *3
CHM 2210+LOrganic Chemistry I (+Lab)4
PHY 2053+LAlgebra-Based Physics I (+Lab) *4
Choose one option from the following:4
Option 1
Organic Chemistry II (+Lab)
Option 2
Algebra-Based Physics II (+Lab) *
Total Hours35

Indicates common prerequisites which can be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

Lower Division Electives

Students must complete sufficient 1000/2000 level electives to satisfy at least 60 sh in the lower division. Current UWF students may use elective courses at any level (1000-4000) to meet this elective requirement.2-8
Total Hours2-8

Major Required Courses

BSC 2844Biology Skills1
BCH 3033Biochemistry I3
MCB 3020+LMicrobiology (+Lab)4
PCB 3043+LEcology (+Lab)4
PCB 3063Genetics3
PCB 3103Cell Biology3
Choose one of the following:3
Concepts in Human Physiology
Comparative Animal Physiology
Plant Physiology
PCB 4524Molecular Biology3
or BOT 4734 Plant Biotechnology
PCB 4673Principles of Evolution3
STA 4173Biostatistics3
Total Hours30

Major GPA Calculation

The upper-division courses (3000-4000 level) with the following prefixes will be used in calculating the major grade point average: BCH, BOT, BSC, HSA, HSC, MLS, PCB, and ZOO.

Upper Division Electives (26 hours)

Elective hours must include 2 laboratory courses.

ANT 4836Scientific and Research Diving3
APK 3110Exercise Physiology3
APK 3110LExercise Physiology Laboratory1
APK 3220CBiomechanical Basis of Movement with Laboratory4
APK 4125Exercise Testing and Prescription3
APK 4125LExercise Testing and Prescription Laboratory1
APK 4163Sports Nutrition3
ATR 3132Functional Kinesiology3
BCH 3033LBiochemistry I Laboratory *1
BCH 3034Biochemistry II3
BOT 4374Plant Developmental Biology3
BOT 4374LPlant Developmental Biology Laboratory *1
BOT 4503Plant Physiology (If not taken as part of required hours)3
BOT 4503LPlant Physiology Laboratory *1
BOT 4734Plant Biotechnology (If not taken as part of required hours)3
BOT 4734LPlant Biotechnology Lab *1
BOT 4850Medicinal Botany3
BSC 4401LForensic Biology3
BSC 4405LAdvanced Biomedical Lab Techniques1
BSC 4434Bioinformatics and Data Science3
BSC 4854Bioterrorism3
BSC 4860Conservation Biology3
BSC 4940Biology Internship1-3
CAP 4755Tools for Data Science3
CAP 4774Databases for Data Science3
CHM 3120Analytical Chemistry3
CHM 3120LAnalytical Chemistry Lab1
CHM 3230Organic Chemistry III3
CHM 3400CBasic Physical Chemistry4
CHM 3410Physical Chemistry I5
CHM 4455Introduction to Polymer Science2
CHM 4455LIntroduction to Polymer Science Laboratory1
ENC 3455Writing for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Majors3
EVR 3894Environmental Writing3
EVR 4035Environmental Law3
EVR 4823Environmental Impact Assessment3
GEO 4004Environmental Science, Politics and Policy3
GEY 4001Gerontology3
GIS 4043Geographic Information Systems3
GIS 4043LGIS Laboratory1
GIS 4048Applications in Geographic Information Systems3
HSC 3147Pharmacology for Health Professionals3
HSC 3535Medical Terminology3
HSC 3555Pathophysiology3
HSC 4143Drugs in Society3
HSC 4502Principles of Human Disease 3
HSC 4551Communicable and Degenerative Diseases3
HSC 4572Nutrition and Health3
MCB 4276Epidemiology of Infectious Disease3
MCB 4631Molecular Aquatic Microbial Ecology3
MLS 3194Clinical Genetics3
MLS 3621Clinical Biochemistry3
MLS 3032CApplications in Clinical and Biotech Laboratories3
MLS 4191Molecular Diagnostics3
MLS 4191LMolecular Diagnostics Laboratory *1
MLS 4220Urinalysis/Body Fluids I1
MLS 4220LUrinalysis/Body Fluids I Lab *1
MLS 4305Hematology I3
MLS 4305LHematology I Lab *1
MLS 4334Hemostasis and Thrombosis1
MLS 4334LHemostasis and Thrombosis Lab *1
MLS 4460Diagnostic Microbiology I *3
MLS 4460LDiagnostic Microbiology I Laboratory * 1
MLS 4462Medical Microbiology3
MLS 4462LMedical Microbiology Lab *1
MLS 4505Clinical Immunology3
MLS 4505LClinical Immunology Lab *1
MLS 4550Immunohematology I3
MLS 4550LImmunohematology I Lab *1
MLS 4625Clinical Chemistry I2
MLS 4625LClinical Chemistry I Lab *1
MLS 4630Clinical Chemistry II2
MLS 4630LClinical Chemistry II Lab *1
MLS 4820LClinical Chemistry III4
MLS 4821LDiagnostic Microbiology II4
MLS 4822LHematology II4
MLS 4823LImmunohematology II4
MLS 4825LUrinalysis/Body Fluids II2
OCE 3007Concepts of Oceanography and Marine Biology3
PCB 3063LGenetics Lab *1
PCB 3097LIntroduction to Human Anatomy Laboratory3
PCB 3103LCell Biology Laboratory *1
PCB 4028Fundamentals of Pharmacology3
PCB 4098Concepts in Human Physiology (If not taken as part of required hours)3
PCB 4098LConcepts in Human Physiology Laboratory *1
PCB 4125Advanced Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biologists (counts toward lab requirement)3
PCB 4233Immunology3
PCB 4233LImmunology Laboratory *1
PCB 4253Developmental Biology3
PCB 4253LDevelopmental Biology Lab *1
PCB 4315Tropical Marine Ecology 3
PCB 4364Marine Ecological Physiology3
PCB 4364LMarine Ecological Physiology Laboratory *1
PCB 4524Molecular Biology (If not taken as part of required hours)3
PCB 4524LMolecular Biology Lab *1
PCB 4601Plant Ecology3
PCB 4703Human Physiology3
PCB 4723Comparative Animal Physiology (If not taken as part of required hours)3
PCB 4723LComparative Animal Physiology Laboratory *1
PCB 4841Journey to the Brain: Brain Development and Neuronal Synapse Communication3
PCB 4870Sensory Biology3
PCB 4922Biology Seminar1
PSB 4002Brain, Behavior, and Experience3
STA 4051Nonparametric Statistics3
STA 4121Statistics for Data Science I3
STA 4231Statistics for Data Science II3
STA 4222Sampling Theory3
STA 4234Regression Analysis3
ZOO 4254CMarine Invertebrate Zoology4
ZOO 4304CMarine Vertebrate Zoology4
ZOO 4454Elasmobranch Biology3
ZOO 4457Ichthyology3
ZOO 4472Avian Science3
ZOO 4485Marine Mammalogy3
ZOO 4513Animal Behavior3

Indicates the lecture is a concurrent prerequisite.

Up to 3 sh of directed study credit may be applied to electives. Students must confer with an advisor when selecting electives.

Accelerated Bachelor's (BS)/Master's (MS) in Biology Option

Minimum Requirements for Admission

  • Overall undergraduate GPA of 3.25 or better
  • Undergraduate Major GPA of 3.5 or better
  • A grade of "B" (3.0) or better in each Bachelor of Sciences in Biology core courses
  • Two letters of recommendation


A prospective student who meets the minimum requirements for admission to the Accelerated Bachelor’s to Master’s (BS/MS) program must schedule a meeting with their undergraduate advisor and the Biology graduate coordinator to discuss and develop a degree plan for the student's Accelerated BS/MS program. The student must then submit an application for the Accelerated BS/MS Biology Program and two letters of recommendation to the Biology graduate coordinator.

Program Requirements

Students must have completed 75 undergraduate credit hours, including credits earned from advanced placement, prior to applying to the Accelerated BS/MS program in Biology. Transfer students must have completed a minimum of two semesters and at least 24 credit hours at the University of West Florida prior to application to the Accelerated BS/MS program. Admission into the Accelerated BS/MS program does not guarantee admission into the Biology MS program upon completion of the Biology BS undergraduate degree. Students must still submit an Express Admission application for the Biology MS program. Students who are a part of the BS/MS program cannot be provisionally or conditionally admitted into the Biology MS program.

Upon admission into the Master’s In Biology program, 12 graduate credit hours completed as an undergraduate student will count for 12 semester hours of coursework for the Master’s program. Students in the Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's Program in Biology must earn a grade of "B" (3.0/4.0) or better in each of the graduate-level courses that are being applied to both degrees. Courses completed with a grade of "B-" or below cannot be applied to the Master’s degree. Any dual-listed 4000/5000 level Biology courses are permitted. The student must take the class at the 5000 level to count for accelerated credit.

If a student in the program completes the Bachelor’s degree requirements with an overall GPA of less than 3.25/4.0, the student is no longer eligible to apply the graduate credit hours to both degrees. A student who becomes ineligible to continue participating in or withdraws from the Accelerated BS/MS program cannot apply any graduate credit hours toward both degrees (i.e., the student can only apply the credit hours towards completion of the BS degree or toward a future Master’s degree).

Students who are enrolled in the program are eligible for graduate assistantship positions only after completing the Bachelor’s degree.

Application Deadlines

All application materials must be submitted by the dates listed below for admission into the following semesters.

Summer: March 1
Fall: June 1
Spring: October 1

General Biology Specialization

The General Biology Specialization includes a grounding in the basic areas of biology from molecular to ecological processes. Electives allow students to concentrate in areas of interest, such as microbiology, ecology, etc., at a more advanced level. Directed study hours may be included as electives to increase hands-on learning in an area of interest.

A minimum grade of "C-" or better is required in all courses in the program including Core, Specialization, Subcore, Major-Related, and Common Prerequisites. Some biology program courses require prerequisite biology course grades of "C" or better. A minimum program GPA of 3.25 is required for graduation from the Accelerated Bachelor's/Master's program in Biology.

General Education

Biology majors should satisfy the mathematics (6 semester hours) and science (6 semester hours) components of General Education with coursework taken from the common prerequisites shown below.

In addition to the General Education requirements listed on this page, students must satisfy all additional University requirements, including the College-Level Communication and Computation, Multicultural, and Foreign Language requirements. With appropriate planning and coordination with an academic advisor, students may satisfy some of the general University requirements through the General Education curriculum. For a complete listing of general degree requirements, refer to the State University Requirements section of this catalog.

General Education Curriculum:

Multicultural Requirement

Civic Literacy Requirement

The 2017 Florida Legislature amended Section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, to require students initially entering a State University System (SUS) and/or Florida College System (FCS) institution in 2018-2019 and thereafter to demonstrate competency in civic literacy. The 2021 Legislature further amended Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a civic literacy course and an exam. As a result, there are three cohorts of students currently matriculating at Florida public institutions subject to varying requirements. As demonstrated in the table below, the exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.

Students Included in Cohort Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
Cohort 1: Students first entering the SUS or FCS prior to fall 2018 None
Cohort 2: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2018 – summer A 2021 Complete a course or exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041 )
Cohort 3: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in summer B 2021 (on or after July 1, 2021) and thereafter Complete both a course and exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041)

Additionally, the 2021 Legislature made two additional exceptions: approving the use of accelerated mechanisms for meeting the course competency requirement and exempting high school students who pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam in high school from the postsecondary exam requirement. These two changes are in effect for Cohort 3.

There are multiple ways to satisfy this requirement. Students should work with their academic advisor to determine which option is best for their degree requirements/degree plan. 

Additional information can be found on our Civic Literacy website, SUS regulation BOG 8.006 and Florida Statute s.1007.25(4,a-b).

Mathematics Pathway

Students are advised to complete the following courses to fulfill the mathematics pathway that aligns with the mathematics skills needed for success in their program and their career goals. Students should refer to their academic advisor for questions about the math pathway for their program. For information about this requirement, refer to the catalog page for Mathematics PathwaysThese courses may also fulfill requirements for General Education and Common Prerequisites. 

Algebra through Calculus
MAC 1105College Algebra3
or MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab
or MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
STA 2023Elements of Statistics3
or MAC 1105 College Algebra
or MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab
or MAC 1114 Trigonometry
or MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
or MAC 2233 Calculus with Business Applications
or MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
or MGF 1130 Mathematical Thinking
or MGF 1131 Mathematics in Context
or STA 2360 Introduction to Data Science
Students will be placed on a starting point based on their mathematics placement.

Common Prerequisites

State-mandated common prerequisites must be completed prior to graduation, but are not required for admission to the program. See the Common Prerequisite Manual for course substitutions from Florida colleges and universities.

Graduation requirements for the B.S. or B.A. degree in Biology include the successful completion of the common prerequisites. Because it will be difficult to incorporate all prerequisites into the 60 semester hours (sh) Lower Division Curriculum, students are advised to complete the following common prerequisites.

BSC 2010+LBiology I (+Lab) *4
BSC 2011+LBiology II (+Lab) *4
CHM 2045+LGeneral Chemistry I (+Lab) *4
CHM 2046+LGeneral Chemistry II (+Lab) *4
MAC 2311Analytic Geometry and Calculus I *4
STA 2023Elements of Statistics *3
CHM 2210+LOrganic Chemistry I (+Lab)4
PHY 2053+LAlgebra-Based Physics I (+Lab) *4
Choose one option from the following:4
Option 1
Organic Chemistry II (+Lab)
Option 2
Algebra-Based Physics II (+Lab) *
Total Hours35

Indicates common prerequisites which can be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

Lower Division Electives

Students must complete sufficient 1000/2000 level electives to satisfy at least 60 semester hours (sh) in the lower division. Current UWF students may use elective courses at any level (1000-4000) to meet this elective requirement.2-8
Total Hours2-8

Major Required Courses

BSC 2844Biology Skills1
BCH 3033Biochemistry I3
MCB 3020+LMicrobiology (+Lab)4
PCB 3043+LEcology (+Lab)4
PCB 3063Genetics3
PCB 3103Cell Biology3
Choose one of the following:3
Concepts in Human Physiology
Comparative Animal Physiology
Plant Physiology
PCB 4524Molecular Biology3
or BOT 4734 Plant Biotechnology
PCB 4673Principles of Evolution3
STA 4173Biostatistics3
Total Hours30

Major GPA Calculation

The upper-division courses (3000-4000 level) with the following prefixes will be used in calculating the major grade point average: BCH, BOT, BSC, HSA, HSC, MLS, PCB, and ZOO.

Upper Division Electives (26 hours)

Elective hours must include 2 laboratory courses.

ANT 4836Scientific and Research Diving3
APK 3110+LExercise Physiology (+Lab)4
APK 3220CBiomechanical Basis of Movement with Laboratory4
APK 4125+LExercise Testing and Prescription (+Lab)4
APK 4163Sports Nutrition3
ATR 3132Functional Kinesiology3
BCH 3033LBiochemistry I Laboratory *1
BCH 3034Biochemistry II3
BOT 4374Plant Developmental Biology3
BOT 4374LPlant Developmental Biology Laboratory *1
BOT 4503Plant Physiology3
BOT 4503LPlant Physiology Laboratory *1
BOT 4734Plant Biotechnology3
BOT 4734LPlant Biotechnology Lab *1
BOT 4850Medicinal Botany3
BSC 4401LForensic Biology3
BSC 4405LAdvanced Biomedical Lab Techniques1
BSC 4434Bioinformatics and Data Science3
BSC 4854Bioterrorism3
BSC 4860Conservation Biology3
BSC 4940Biology Internship1-3
CAP 4755Tools for Data Science3
CAP 4774Databases for Data Science3
CHM 3120+LAnalytical Chemistry (+Lab)4
CHM 3230Organic Chemistry III3
CHM 3400CBasic Physical Chemistry4
CHM 3410Physical Chemistry I5
CHM 4455+LIntroduction to Polymer Science (+Lab)3
ENC 3455Writing for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Majors3
EVR 3894Environmental Writing3
EVR 4035Environmental Law3
EVR 4823Environmental Impact Assessment3
GEO 4004Environmental Science, Politics and Policy3
GEY 4001Gerontology3
GIS 4043+LGeographic Information Systems (+Lab)4
GIS 4048Applications in Geographic Information Systems3
HSC 3147Pharmacology for Health Professionals3
HSC 3535Medical Terminology3
HSC 3555Pathophysiology3
HSC 4143Drugs in Society3
HSC 4502Principles of Human Disease 3
HSC 4551Communicable and Degenerative Diseases3
HSC 4572Nutrition and Health3
MCB 4276Epidemiology of Infectious Disease3
MCB 4631Molecular Aquatic Microbial Ecology3
MLS 3194Clinical Genetics3
MLS 3621Clinical Biochemistry3
MLS 3032CApplications in Clinical and Biotech Laboratories3
MLS 4191Molecular Diagnostics3
MLS 4191LMolecular Diagnostics Laboratory *1
MLS 4220Urinalysis/Body Fluids I1
MLS 4220LUrinalysis/Body Fluids I Lab *1
MLS 4305Hematology I3
MLS 4305LHematology I Lab *1
MLS 4334Hemostasis and Thrombosis1
MLS 4334LHemostasis and Thrombosis Lab *1
MLS 4460+LDiagnostic Microbiology I (+Lab) *4
MLS 4460LDiagnostic Microbiology I Laboratory *1
MLS 4462+LMedical Microbiology (+Lab)4
MLS 4462LMedical Microbiology Lab *1
MLS 4505Clinical Immunology3
MLS 4505LClinical Immunology Lab *1
MLS 4550Immunohematology I3
MLS 4550LImmunohematology I Lab *1
MLS 4625Clinical Chemistry I2
MLS 4625LClinical Chemistry I Lab *1
MLS 4630Clinical Chemistry II2
MLS 4630LClinical Chemistry II Lab *1
MLS 4820LClinical Chemistry III4
MLS 4821LDiagnostic Microbiology II4
MLS 4822LHematology II4
MLS 4823LImmunohematology II4
MLS 4825LUrinalysis/Body Fluids II2
OCE 3007Concepts of Oceanography and Marine Biology3
PCB 3063LGenetics Lab *1
PCB 3097LIntroduction to Human Anatomy Laboratory3
PCB 3103LCell Biology Laboratory *1
PCB 4028Fundamentals of Pharmacology3
PCB 4098Concepts in Human Physiology (If not taken as part of required hours)3
PCB 4098LConcepts in Human Physiology Laboratory *1
PCB 4125Advanced Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biologists (counts towards lab requirement)3
PCB 4233Immunology3
PCB 4233LImmunology Laboratory *1
PCB 4253Developmental Biology3
PCB 4253LDevelopmental Biology Lab *1
PCB 4315Tropical Marine Ecology 3
PCB 4364Marine Ecological Physiology3
PCB 4364LMarine Ecological Physiology Laboratory *1
PCB 4524Molecular Biology (if not taken as part of required hours)3
PCB 4524LMolecular Biology Lab *1
PCB 4601Plant Ecology3
PCB 4703Human Physiology3
PCB 4723Comparative Animal Physiology (if not taken as part of required hours)3
PCB 4723LComparative Animal Physiology Laboratory *1
PCB 4841Journey to the Brain: Brain Development and Neuronal Synapse Communication3
PCB 4870Sensory Biology3
PCB 4922Biology Seminar1
PSB 4002Brain, Behavior, and Experience3
STA 4051Nonparametric Statistics3
STA 4121Statistics for Data Science I3
STA 4231Statistics for Data Science II3
STA 4222Sampling Theory3
STA 4234Regression Analysis3
ZOO 4254CMarine Invertebrate Zoology4
ZOO 4304CMarine Vertebrate Zoology4
ZOO 4454Elasmobranch Biology3
ZOO 4457Ichthyology3
ZOO 4472Avian Science3
ZOO 4485Marine Mammalogy3
ZOO 4513Animal Behavior3

Indicates the lecture is a concurrent prerequisite.

Up to 3 sh of directed study credit may be applied to electives and count towards the lab requirement. Students should confer with an advisor when selecting electives.

Graduate Level Courses

Up to 12 credit hours of advisor-approved 5000-level courses listed below will be allowed to substitute for the undergraduate degree requirements. Other 5000-level courses may be allowed to substitute with advisor approval.1-12
Approved Substitutions for Major Required Courses
Principles of Evolution
Comparative Animal Physiology
Approved Substitutions for Elective Courses +
Plant Developmental Biology
Plant Developmental Biology Laboratory *
Medicinal Botany
Forensic Biology
Bioinformatics and Data Science
Bioterrorism: The Interprofessional Response
Conservation Biology
Fundamentals of Pharmacology
Tools for Data Science
Databases for Data Science
Geographic Information Systems (+Lab)
Epidemiology of Infectious Disease
Molecular Aquatic Microbial Ecology
Biology of Coral Reefs
Immunology Laboratory *
Developmental Biology
Tropical Marine Ecology
Marine Ecological Physiology
Marine Ecological Physiology Laboratory *
Coastal Marine Ecology
Molecular Ecology
Advanced Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biologists
Plant Ecology
Comparative Animal Physiology (if not taken as part of the major requirement)
Journey to the Brain: Brain Development and Neuronal Synapse Communication
Sensory Biology
Biology Seminar
Statistics for Data Science I
Statistics for Data Science II
Marine Vertebrate Zoology
Elasmobranch Biology
Avian Science
Marine Mammalogy
Animal Behavior
Total Hours1-12

Indicates the lecture is a concurrent prerequisite.


1-3 credit hours of directed independent study at the 5000-level may be applied to electives. Students should confer with an advisor when selecting electives. 

Biology Teaching

Students entering UWF or declaring a major in the Biology Teaching degree program will automatically be placed in a pending status until they are fully admitted to the program. While in the pending status, students may not take 3000/4000 level education coursework, but should work closely with their advisor to plan an appropriate course of study in preparation for application to the program.

To be admitted, students must meet the following requirements:

  • A cumulative GPA of 2.50 in all previously attempted college work;
  • A passing score on the General Knowledge Test of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam;
  • Completion of EDG 2041 Exploring Inquiry Teaching or equivalent with a grade of "C-" or higher.

The admission process requires students to complete the Application for Admission to Teacher Education (which includes a self-rating on dispositions toward teaching) and complete the orientation requirement. 

General Education

Biology majors should satisfy the mathematics (6 semester hours) and natural science (6 semester hours) components of General Education with coursework taken from the common prerequisites shown below.

In addition to the General Education requirements listed on this page, students must satisfy all additional University requirements, including the College-Level Communication and Computation, Multicultural, and Foreign Language requirements. With appropriate planning and coordination with an academic advisor, students may satisfy some of the general University requirements through the General Education curriculum. For a complete listing of general degree requirements, refer to the State University Requirements section of this catalog.

General Education Curriculum:

Multicultural Requirement

Civic Literacy Requirement

The 2017 Florida Legislature amended Section 1007.25, Florida Statutes, to require students initially entering a State University System (SUS) and/or Florida College System (FCS) institution in 2018-2019 and thereafter to demonstrate competency in civic literacy. The 2021 Legislature further amended Florida Statutes, requiring students to complete both a civic literacy course and an exam. As a result, there are three cohorts of students currently matriculating at Florida public institutions subject to varying requirements. As demonstrated in the table below, the exact civic literacy requirements are based on the academic term in which a student first enrolled in a Florida public institution.

Students Included in Cohort Civic Literacy Competency Requirement
Cohort 1: Students first entering the SUS or FCS prior to fall 2018 None
Cohort 2: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in fall 2018 – summer A 2021 Complete a course or exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041 )
Cohort 3: Students first entering the SUS or FCS in summer B 2021 (on or after July 1, 2021) and thereafter Complete both a course and exam (course options AMH 2020, POS 2041)

Additionally, the 2021 Legislature made two additional exceptions: approving the use of accelerated mechanisms for meeting the course competency requirement and exempting high school students who pass the Florida Civic Literacy Exam in high school from the postsecondary exam requirement. These two changes are in effect for Cohort 3.

There are multiple ways to satisfy this requirement. Students should work with their academic advisor to determine which option is best for their degree requirements/degree plan. 

Additional information can be found on our Civic Literacy website, SUS regulation BOG 8.006 and Florida Statute s.1007.25(4,a-b).

Mathematics Pathway

Students are advised to complete the following courses to fulfill the mathematics pathway that aligns with the mathematics skills needed for success in their program and their career goals. Students should refer to their academic advisor for questions about the math pathway for their program. For information about this requirement, refer to the catalog page for Mathematics PathwaysThese courses may also fulfill requirements for General Education and Common Prerequisites. 

Algebra through Calculus
MAC 1105College Algebra3
or MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab
or MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
STA 2023Elements of Statistics3
or MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab
or MAC 1105C College Algebra with Lab
or MAC 1114 Trigonometry
or MAC 1140 Precalculus Algebra
or MAC 2311 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I
or MAC 2233 Calculus with Business Applications
or MAC 2312 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II
or MGF 1131 Mathematics in Context
or STA 2023 Elements of Statistics
or STA 2360 Introduction to Data Science
Students will be placed on a starting point based on their mathematics placement.

Common Prerequisites

State-mandated common prerequisites must be completed prior to graduation, but are not required for admission to the program. See the Common Prerequisite Manual for course substitutions from Florida colleges and universities.

A minimum grade of "C" or better is required in all courses in the program including all Core, Elective, Education, Major-Related, and Common Prerequisites.

Graduation requirements for the B.S. or B.A. degree in Biology include the successful completion of the common prerequisites. Because it will be difficult to incorporate all prerequisites into the 60 semester hours (sh) of the Lower Division Curriculum, students are advised to complete the following common prerequisites.

EDG 2041Exploring Inquiry Teaching3
BSC 2010+LBiology I (+Lab) *4
BSC 2011Biology II *3
CHM 2045+LGeneral Chemistry I (+Lab) *4
CHM 2046+LGeneral Chemistry II (+Lab) *4
MAC 2311Analytic Geometry and Calculus I *4
STA 2023Elements of Statistics *3
Choose one of the following course sequences8
Option 1
Organic Chemistry I (+Lab)
Organic Chemistry II (+Lab)
Option 2
Algebra-Based Physics I (+Lab) *
Algebra-Based Physics II (+Lab) *
Total Hours33

Indicates common prerequisites which can be used to satisfy General Education requirements.

Biology Core Courses (24 hours)

BSC 2011LBiology II Laboratory1
BSC 2844Biology Skills1
BCH 3033+LBiochemistry I (+Lab)4
MCB 3020+LMicrobiology (+Lab)4
PCB 3103+LCell Biology (+Lab)4
PCB 3063Genetics3
PCB 3043+LEcology (+Lab)4
PCB 4673Principles of Evolution3
Total Hours24

Biology Elective Courses (9 hours)

Advisor approved 9 hours at the 3000-4000 level.

The following is a suggested, but not inclusive, list of possible electives:

BSC 4303Biogeography3
BSC 4401LForensic Biology3
BSC 4405LAdvanced Biomedical Lab Techniques1
BSC 4434Bioinformatics and Data Science3
BSC 4854Bioterrorism3
BSC 4940Biology Internship1-3
BOT 4374+LPlant Developmental Biology (+Lab)4
BOT 4503+LPlant Physiology (+Lab)4
BOT 4850Medicinal Botany3
PCB 4028Fundamentals of Pharmacology3
PCB 4048CCoastal Marine Ecology4
PCB 4098Concepts in Human Physiology3
PCB 4098LConcepts in Human Physiology Laboratory1
PCB 4125Advanced Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics for Biologists3
PCB 4233Immunology3
PCB 4233LImmunology Laboratory1
PCB 4253+LDevelopmental Biology (+Lab)4
PCB 4315Tropical Marine Ecology 3
PCB 4364Marine Ecological Physiology3
PCB 4364LMarine Ecological Physiology Laboratory1
PCB 4461Molecular Ecology3
PCB 4524LMolecular Biology Lab1
PCB 4524+LMolecular Biology (+Lab)4
PCB 4601Plant Ecology3
PCB 4723+LComparative Animal Physiology (+Lab)4
PCB 4841Journey to the Brain: Brain Development and Neuronal Synapse Communication3
PCB 4870Sensory Biology3
PCB 4922Biology Seminar1
ZOO 4472Avian Science3
ZOO 4485Marine Mammalogy3
ZOO 4513Animal Behavior3

Teacher Education Courses (24 hours)

EDF 3234Applied Foundations of Education3
EDG 4323Methods of K-12 Literacy Instruction3
SCE 4320Teaching Science in Middle and Secondary Schools3
ESE 4322Instruction, Management, and Assessment: Secondary Education3
TSL 4080ESOL Principles and Practices3
ESE 4940Secondary Practicum3
EDG 4948Apprenticeship Teaching6
Total Hours24

The upper-division courses (3000-4000 level) with the following prefixes will be used in calculating the major grade point average: BCH, BOT, BSC, PCB, MCB, ZOO, EDF, EDG, ESE, SCE, and TSL.

Biology Minor

A 20 semester hour (sh) Minor in Biology is available for students in a wide variety of majors. It provides the opportunity to add value to the major degree and to expand their opportunities for employment. It is especially appropriate for students who plan to work in administrative or other nonresearch-related areas of the biomedical, environmental, pharmaceutical, and other biological science-related industries.

A minimum of 14 sh must be taken at UWF, including at least 9 sh of 3000/4000 coursework taken in residence at UWF. A minimum grade of “C” is required in all courses used to satisfy the minor. Neither directed study nor credit by exam (AP, CLEP, etc.) may be applied toward the minor. Contact the Department of Biology Academic Advisor for assistance in choosing courses to meet specific needs.
Biology and Marine Biology majors may not earn this minor.

BSC 2010+LBiology I (+Lab)4
BSC 2011+LBiology II (+Lab)4
Students should assess the prerequisites for upper division courses they wish to take to complete the minor.
3000/4000 level Biology (BCH, BOT, BSC, MCB, MLS, OCE, PCB, and ZOO) courses including at least one 4 sh lecture-lab course.12
Total Hours20