Movement Sciences & Health, M.S.

Degree:Master of Science (M.S.)
Major:Movement Sciences & Health
Specializations:Exercise Science
Sports Performance and Coaching
Department:Movement Sciences and Health
Building 72, Room 241
College:Usha Kundu, MD College of Health
CIP Code:31.0501
Semester Hours Required For Degree: 36

The M.S. in Movement Sciences & Health offers specializations in Exercise Science and Sports Performance and Coaching. The Exercise Science specialization emphasizes in-depth study of the human body's response to exercise and physical activity and performance across the lifespan. The Sports Performance and Coaching specialization emphasizes applied study of physical activity promotion and sports performance in both the K-12 and community settings.  

Exercise Science Specialization

Admission Requirements

In addition to the University graduate admission requirements described in the Admissions section of the catalog, the department bases decisions for regular admission on a holistic review of credentials in which the following criteria are used to assess the potential success of each applicant:

  • Bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
  • A minimum of 3.00 cumulative grade point average (GPA) and a grade of "C" or better on all prerequisite courses. The following prerequisite coursework ("C" grade or higher) is required for admission:
    • Anatomy/Physiology with lab - 2 courses
    • Chemistry - 1 course
    • Exercise Physiology - 1 course
    • Nutrition - 1 course
    • Psychology - 1 course
    • Statistics - 1 course
  • Undergraduate Institutional GPA
  • Undergraduate Senior Year/Major GPA
  • Academic Preparation as demonstrated by undergraduate degree major
  • Submission of letter of intent describing reasons for applying to this program and associated career goals
  • Submission of a list of three references that includes names, title, and contact information
  • Work Experience as reflected in a résumé

Degree Requirements

In addition to general University requirements, students seeking the Exercise Science M.S. in Movement Sciences & Health must meet the requirements listed below.

Exercise Science Core

HLP 6535Research Procedures3
APK 5702Statistics in Exercise Science3
APK 5116CApplied Physiology in Muscular Development3
APK 5204Applied Motor Learning/Control in Exercise Science3
APK 5601Preventative Health in the Aging Population3
APK 6172CCardiac Electrophysiology3
APK 6111CAdvanced Exercise Physiology3
APK 6127CClinical Exercise Testing and Interpretation3
APK 6167CAdvanced Human Nutrition and Metabolism3
APK 6226Analysis of Human Movement3
Total Hours30

Thesis or Internship Track

Students will choose one of the following tracks.

Thesis Track
APK 6970Research for Master's Thesis3-6
Total Hours:6
Internship Track
APK 6940Internship in Exercise Science3-6
Total Hours:6

Sports Performance and Coaching Specialization

The Sports Performance and Coaching Master's degree specialization is an advanced educational program designed to prepare one to lead individuals in areas of coaching (collegiate, high school, youth), physical activity, physical education, fitness, wellness, and health. Each of these areas requires leaders who can successfully and effectively plan, motivate, communicate, explain, connect, demonstrate, and reflect. These professional behaviors are all developed through subject-specific pedagogy.

Course instructors allow students to learn pedagogy through individualized instruction. In other words, one will be allowed to shape course requirements and assignments around their interest or profession. Those who are interested in enhancing their coaching skills will align their coursework to season goals, sport-specific skills, and practices. Current or future teachers will find that their coursework will revolve around curriculum, units, and lessons. Fitness, training, and health professionals will address prescription, instruction, and assessment. 

Admission Requirements

In addition to the University graduate admission requirements described in the Admissions section of the catalog, the department bases decisions for regular admission on a holistic review of credentials in which the following criteria are used to assess the potential success of each applicant:

  • Undergraduate Institutional GPA
  • Undergraduate Senior Year/Major GPA
  • Academic Preparation as demonstrated by undergraduate degree major
  • Submission of letter of intent describing reasons for applying to this program and associated career goals
  • Submission of three references

Degree Requirements

In addition to general University requirements, students seeking the Sports Performance and Coaching M.S. in Movement Sciences and Health must meet the requirements listed below.

Physical Education (36 sh)

PET 5701Systematic Observation in Sport and Physical Activity3
PET 5702Advanced Management of Physical Activity Programs3
PET 5708Physical Activity Program Development3
PET 5709Leadership in Physical Activity and Sport3
PET 5805Analysis and Supervision in Sport and Physical Activity3
PET 6015Professional Issues in Physical Activity Disciplines3
PET 6535Research Methods in Sport Performance3
PET 6514Predictive Sport Performance Analytics3
PET 6706Analysis of Research in Physical Activity Disciplines3
PET 6223Teaching and Motivation for Physical Activity Leaders3
Choose 6 credit hours of coursework from the following in consultation with your academic advisor:6
Advanced Strategies and Tactics of Sport Performance
Sport Promotion and Communication
Project in Lieu of Thesis
Total Hours36