THE: Theatre Studies and General Resources Courses
THE 2000 Theatre Appreciation
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
In this course, students will explore dramatic structure, techniques, and various organizational elements. The course provides an introduction to theatre as a collaborative art form through the critical analysis of its historical context, production, theory, and connections to theatrical literature, including the Western cannon.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Students will identify the basic principles of theatrical performance, design, technology, organization, and management.
Students will assess the social significance and the human condition as expressed through the performing arts.
Students will explore and interpret works of art utilizing creative and critical thinking skills.
Students will demonstrate college-level writing.
Students will define, compare and contrast theater as both an expressive art form and a commercial industry.
Meets General Education requirement in Humanities.
THE 2300 Survey of Dramatic Literature
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Survey of play scripts representing a succinct history of Western drama.
Meets General Education requirement in Humanities.
Meets College-Level Communication Skills Requirement.
THE 2905 Directed Study
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
THE 2925 Play Production
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
1 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Study and participation in the preparation and production of plays and/or musicals. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.
THE 3092 Theatrical Production & Performance
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
1 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: TPA 2200
Individualized study in all areas of theatrical production and performance through apprenticeship on departmental productions during a semester. Completion of all lower division common prerequisites is required. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.
THE 3112 History of Theatre I
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Theatre history from origins through the eighteenth century.
THE 3113 History of Theatre II
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Theatre history from eighteenth century through the present.
THE 3243 Musical Theatre History
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
History and development of musical theatre from origins to present.
THE 3283 Architecture and Decor
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: THE 2000
This course will take students through visual history of architecture and decor from ancient times to present. Covering architectural changes and the significance of the decor associated with each time period and region.
THE 3306 Dramatic Literature II
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: THE 2300
A survey of play scripts representing important contributions from various genres of Western Theatre from the Greeks through contemporary Drama.
THE 3905 Directed Study
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
THE 4260 Costume History
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Historical periods of costume and fashion from ancient times to the present, their relation to theatre history, and potential use as sources for theatrical costume design.
THE 4905 Directed Study
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
THE 4970 Senior Project
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Preparation and completion of performance or design presentation as culminating project for the Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Arts degree. Permission is required.
THE 5905 Directed Study
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
THE 6905 Directed Study
Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)