MAN: Management Courses


MAN 3025   Management Fundamentals

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 45 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

Study of principles of management. Process and content of management analyzed. Emphasizes classical, human relations, human resources, behavioral and quantitative management methods. Content includes planning, organizing, leading, control, employment cycle, organization design, and motivation.

MAN 3240   Behavior in Organizations

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 45 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

A study of human and group behavior in organizations and within society. The focus is on developing student ability to work in group settings and organizations. Topics include personality, motivation, leadership, communication, power, change, and conflict. May not be taken for credit by students having credit INP 3313.

MAN 3301   Human Resources Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 45 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

Introduction to personnel administration; emphasis on the basic personnel function of both the personnel specialist and the operating manager. Critical issues stressed include selection, compensation, OSHA, EEO, unions and discipline.

MAN 3504   Operations Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: STA 2023; Completion of 45 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

Application of quantitative and qualitative management techniques for improving quality and efficiency of manufacturing and service organizations. Coverage of productivity, quality, forecasting, design of goods/services, project management and other related topics.

MAN 3550   Prescriptive Analytics

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: MAC 2233 AND MAN 3025

Quantitative decision-making methods and their application to planning and control of operations. Systems concept of organization and mathematical reasoning in decision-making emphasized. Cases and incidents provide illustrations. Credit can only be earned for one of these three courses: MAN 3540, MAN 3550 and QMB 3820.

MAN 3583   Project Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 45 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

An introduction to the field of Project Management. Covers concepts and skills used to propose, plan, secure resources, budget, manage risk, and lead teams to successful project completion. The course emphasizes the universal nature of the techniques which enable individuals to manage a variety of projects in diverse organizational settings. Students individually develop project plans for projects in their respective disciplines.

MAN 3802   Small Business/Family Business Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Introduces the student to the world of small business and family business management. Explores the managerial processes related to these areas and differentiates them from those found in corporations and large organizations. Provides the student with an opportunity to analyze the mind of the small business manager, brainstorm potential business options, and consider various contemporary issues facing the small business manager. Group projects will be utilized and oral and written reports will be required.

MAN 3905   Directed Study

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

MAN 4102   Management of Diversity

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 60 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

Roles, behaviors, career paths, motivational strategies, obstacles, and collegial reaction to managing diversity within the labor force are an integral aspect of the course. Personal assessment of communication styles and diversity in management styles. Discussions focus on diversity awareness and strategies to enhance productivity through team effort. Emphasis on proactive steps to integrate a diverse work force toward a more productive unit. Offered concurrently with MAN 5116; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

MAN 4280   Business Leadership and Change Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 60 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

A course on Leadership and Change Management to prepare students to respond to the needs of a dynamic global business climate. Prepares students to take responsibility to work collaboratively with others in developing change management strategies in bringing about change and overcoming resistance.

MAN 4330   Compensation and Benefits

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: MAN 3301

Compensation and benefits play an important role in attracting, motivating, and retaining employees. This course examines how to establish and manage effective compensation and benefits systems that support the organization's strategic direction while also meeting employee needs and complying with legal requirements. Offered concurrently with MAN 5331; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

MAN 4341   Performance Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: MAN 3301

Employees are commonly recognized as an organization's most valuable resource. Thus, ensuring that employees achieve and maintain their highest performance is one of the most critical managerial responsibilities. This course examines best practices, current trends, legal issues, and research in change management, organizational development, performance management, and training so that students may learn how to effectively manage human capital for optimal performance. Offered concurrently with MAN 5347; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

MAN 4350   Recruitment and Selection

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: MAN 3301

Employees are commonly recognized as an organization's most valuable resource. Thus, effectively staffing an organization is one of the most critical managerial responsibilities. This course examines best practices, current trends, legal issues, and research on effective recruitment and selection of human capital so that students may learn how to establish and effectively manage staffing systems. Offered concurrently with MAN 5351; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

MAN 4384   Strategic Human Resource Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: MAN 3301

Integrates current research, best practices, human resource policy and strategy in order to maximize organizational effectiveness using human capital. Emphasis is placed on analyzing strategic human resource management principles in order to leverage the workforce to achieve organizational objectives. Real business problems are analyzed by integrating the functional areas of human resource management with business strategies, helping students to understand the linkage between theory and practice.

MAN 4402   Human Resource Law

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Explore the principles of law that guide human resource practice including applicable statutes, contracts and agency.

MAN 4441   Business Negotiation

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 60 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

A practical understanding of negotiation theories and concepts from a business perspective is offered. Students differentiate and practice distributive and integrative negotiation strategies via business related role plays and cases. As future managers, students: 1) practice negotiation where their responsibility exceeds their authority; 2) build coalitions among different stakeholders; and 3) analyze business conflict situations and select strategies to resolve differences. Offered concurrently with MAN 5446; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

MAN 4570   Purchasing and Supply Management

College of Business, Department of Commerce

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: MAR 3202

Students will learn the fundamental concepts of purchasing, negotiation and supply management. Emphasis is placed on strategic sourcing, negotiation, cost management, balanced scorecards, ethics, electronic purchasing, forming supplier partnerships and managing supplier quality. The class will provide strategic understanding for the organizational buyer and challenge students with practical examples of purchasing situations relevant within the supply chain. Offered concurrently with MAN 5573; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

MAN 4597   Global Logistics Management

College of Business, Department of Commerce

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: MAR 3202

This course explores logistics and supply chain operations from a global perspective. Course material and experiences will focus on import and export processes, port and logistics facility operations, raw material and finished goods movement across borders, and equipment and technology for global logistics. Offered concurrently with MAN 5619; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

MAN 4720   Strategic Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: FIN 3403 AND GEB 3213 AND MAN 3025 AND MAN 3504 AND MAR 3023

The capstone course for BSBA in the College of Business offers a culminating experience for students from all majors which involves aggregate planning and development of overall policy for organizations. Emphasizes the system interrelationship of the functional areas of enterprise from the viewpoint of top executives. Senior status and permission is required. Must be taken at UWF.

MAN 4750   The Future: Projecting, Planning and Managing

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: GEB 3213

Roles that individuals and organizations have in managing the future. Senior status is required; business majors only. Must be taken at UWF.

MAN 4905   Directed Study

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

MAN 4940   Internship in Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

1-6 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: Completion of 90 hours of college course work is required prior to taking this course.

On an "as available" basis, management majors may request an internship in management by submitting written proposals to faculty advisors. Proposals must be approved by advisor, chairperson and sponsor. Students must have a 2.5 GPA overall and a 3.0 GPA in management to be eligible for internships. All internships include seminar on internship experience, including written reports. Graded satisfactory / unsatisfactory basis only. Senior status required. Permission is required.

MAN 5116   Management of Diversity

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Roles, behaviors, career paths, motivational strategies, obstacles, and collegial reaction to managing diversity within the labor force are an integral aspect of the course. Personal assessment of communication styles and diversity in management styles are provided. Discussions focus on diversity awareness and strategies to enhance productivity through team effort. Emphasis on proactive steps to integrate a diverse work force toward a more productive unit. Offered concurrently with MAN 4102; graduate students will be assigned additional work. All majors encouraged. Graduate student status is required. Credit may not be earned in both MAN 5105 and MAN 5116.

MAN 5331   Compensation and Benefits

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Compensation and benefits play an important role in attracting, motivating, and retaining employees. This course examines how to establish and manage effective compensation and benefits systems that support the organization's strategic direction while also meeting employee needs and complying with legal requirements. Offered concurrently with MAN 4330; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Graduate student status is required.

MAN 5347   Performance Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Employees are commonly recognized as an organization's most valuable resource. Thus, ensuring that employees achieve and maintain their highest performance is one of the most critical managerial responsibilities. This course examines best practices, current trends, legal issues, and research in change management, organizational development, performance management, and training so that students may learn how to effectively manage human capital for optimal performance. Offered concurrently with MAN 4341; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Graduate student status is required.

MAN 5351   Recruitment and Selection

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Employees are commonly recognized as an organization's most valuable resource. Thus, effectively staffing an organization is one of the most critical managerial responsibilities. This course examines best practices, current trends, legal issues, and research on effective recruitment and selection of human capital so that students may learn how to establish and effectively manage staffing systems. Offered concurrently with MAN 4350; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Graduate student status is required.

MAN 5446   Business Negotiation

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

A practical understanding of negotiation theories and concepts from a business perspective is offered. Students differentiate and practice distributive and integrative negotiation strategies via business related role plays and cases. As future managers, students: 1) practice negotiation where their responsibility exceeds their authority; 2) build coalitions among different stakeholders; and 3) analyze business conflict situations and select strategies to resolve differences. Offered concurrently with MAN 4441; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Graduate student status is required.

MAN 5619   Global Logistics Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course explores logistics and supply chain operations from a global perspective. Course material and experiences will focus on import and export processes, port and logistics facility operations, raw material and finished goods movement across borders, and equipment and technology for global logistics. Must have the equivalent of MAR 3202 Supply Chain Logistics Management, TRA 3153 Transportation Strategy, or MAN 3504 Operations Management. Offered concurrently with MAN 4597; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

MAN 5806C   Small Business Management Consulting

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Practicum in providing management assistance to small businesses in area. Usually students work in pairs and provide assistance to two business firms. Weekly meetings, teaching in consulting and final written report on each firm constitute principal elements. Senior or graduate status, 3.0 GPA and permission are required.

MAN 5905   Directed Study

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

MAN 6138   Stakeholder and Stockholder Perspectives

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Exploration of the relationship between communication and executive leadership with an emphasis on stakeholders and stockholder perspectives. The importance of leadership and communication styles are highlighted via self-awareness, reflection, and analysis.

MAN 6156   Management and Organizational Behavior

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Appreciation and understanding of the field of organizational behavior and its application in managing human and other resources. Emphasizes understanding individual behavior (motivation, self-awareness, leadership, etc.) and group dynamics (decision-making, group development and work) plus conflict, climate, learning styles, power, stress, process/content, human rights and quality. Utilizes experiential learning methodologies and other appropriate designs. May not be taken for credit by students having credit for INP 6397. Permission is required.

MAN 6285   Leading Change: Behavior, Ethics, and Technology

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Integrates how to leverage change management theory with executive leadership concepts to impact organizational objectives. Behavior, ethics, and technology are emphasized as critical elements to explore from the vantage point of senior leadership.

MAN 6317   Strategic Issues in Human Resources Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Integrates current research, best practices, human resource policy and strategy in order to maximize organizational effectiveness using human capital. Emphasis is placed on applying strategic human resource management principles in order to leverage the workforce to achieve organizational objectives. Case analyses using real business problems are analyzed by integrating the functional areas of human resource management with business strategies, helping students to understand the linkage between theory and practice.

MAN 6511   Operations Management Problems

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Planning and control of domestic and multinational service and manufacturing operations utilizing information inside and outside the organization. Techniques to plan and improve location, layout, flow through the facility, design of work, and management of the human factor; all with an emphasis on management and maintenance of quality.

MAN 6721   Strategic Management and Policy Formulation

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Utilizes case analysis, a strategic simulation and other related experiential exercises. Integrates and applies the various business management functions from the strategic viewpoint of the organizational chief executive officer. Designed for MBA candidates and should be taken the last semester before graduation. Permission is required.

MAN 6774   Executive Leadership: Leader, Boss, and Bureaucrat

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Overview leadership course designed to develop the abilities and skills required to lead at the executive level. Emerging cultural, economic, performance, and social pressures in the dynamic workplace, executive leadership principles are explored. Emphasis is placed on developing situational awareness and the corresponding leadership response.

MAN 6775   Leadership and Strategic Management

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

In this Executive MBA capstone course, students will integrate and apply the various business management and leadership functions from the strategic viewpoint of the organizational leader. Emphasis is placed on understanding the differences in management and leadership functions, developing the ability to communicate vision and strategy, and learning how to make effective and ethical decisions as a leader. This course should be taken in the last semester before graduation.

MAN 6905   Directed Study

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)