HUM: Humanities Courses


HUM 2340   Introduction to Arts Administration

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

The course introduces the student to the various aspects of the administration of an Arts Organization. Lectures and class discussions will provide an overview of the different areas of non-profit arts administration and the terminology needed in order to understand those areas. Topics covered include organizational structures, marketing, fundraising, grant writing, financial management, and production. Assignments will focus on learning terms and establishing their usage in different areas.

HUM 3341   Resource Management in the Arts

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HUM 2340 AND MAN 3025

The course delves into the unique aspects of resource management (Human & Financial) within the Arts. Lectures and class discussions will provide an overview of fundamental principles and unique challenges specific to arts organizations. Topics covered include Management Theory, Leadership, Personnel, Contracting, Budgeting, Financial Management, and Reporting.

HUM 4342   Arts Communication & Marketing

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: COM 3003 AND HUM 2340 AND MAR 3023

This course is designed to reinforce and further develop the concept of arts-integrated marketing communication. It aims to increase students' understanding of the planning, implementation, and evaluation process of an arts marketing campaign. Particular emphasis is on the integration of key elements of marketing communication mix of advertising, promotion, direct marketing, interactive marketing PR and publicity.

HUM 4343   Arts Entrepreneurship

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Theatre

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HUM 3341 AND HUM 4342

Whether you are starting your own company, working as an independent artist, or working within an established arts organization, producing art and encouraging people to see it is an entrepreneurial endeavor. This course builds on the information gained through the other Arts Administration courses and through the process of creating a company from a mission statement through fundraising and strategic planning.

HUM 4905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Arts, SS, and Hum, Dean

1-15 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

HUM 4911   Interdisciplinary Humanities Capstone

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Music

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Designed so the student may integrate and reflect on his or her undergraduate program of study. Internship or research project is closely coordinated with the student's advisor. Purpose is to provide connection, coherence, and closure to one's major course of study. Permission is required.

HUM 6905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)