HSA: Health Services Administration Courses


HSA 3111   Understanding U.S. Healthcare

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides an orientation to the foundational characteristics of the U.S. healthcare system, including a review of how the system is organized, regulation, health status, health disparities, delivery systems, insurance, the iron triangle (access, quality, and cost), health policy, and technology. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

HSA 3140   Strategic Planning in Healthcare

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course focuses on strategic planning as it applies to healthcare organizations with emphasis on topics such as SWOT analysis, healthcare marketing, strategic decision-making, and the development of initiatives across the continuum of care.

HSA 3170   Principles of Healthcare Finance

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides students with an introduction to the fundamentals of healthcare finance as practiced in health services organizations. The course will enable students entering administrative positions to more readily become effective and efficient participants in the achievement of organizational goals. Topics include third-party payment, Medicare, Medicaid, reimbursement, and healthcare reform trends.

HSA 3551   Health Ethics and Professionalism

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course includes an overview of ethical issues facing today's healthcare practitioners in addressing clinical and administrative decision-making. This course will also focus on the importance of professionalism and effective communication skills in dealing with healthcare consumers and other medical professionals in the healthcare industry.

HSA 4002   Healthcare Administration

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides students with an overview of concepts and issues related to healthcare administration in a wide variety of healthcare settings such as: hospitals, nursing homes, and clinics. Emphasis is placed on important issues in healthcare administration, such as teamwork, monitoring performance, budgeting, and program improvement.

HSA 4191   Health Information Systems

College of Health, Department of Public Health

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides an overview of the functions of health information systems, including data collection, analysis, visualization, and communication to diverse audiences in the healthcare and public health sectors. Students explore emerging topics related to their career goals in broader health-related information systems and frameworks. Legal and ethical issues related to confidentiality, the use of informed consent, and occupational safety are also addressed. Students complete case study projects using relevant job-related software, such as Excel workbooks, Access databases, and electronic health record interfaces. The course is open to all majors.

HSA 4192   Current Topics in Health Informatics

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides an overview of the multifaceted, interdisciplinary nature of health (medical) informatics. Fundamentals of computer applications in medicine, health data classification and coding, and legal and ethical issues (including documentation, security, and regulatory requirements) are explored. Additional avenues for further credentialing will be covered. Credit may not be received in both HSA 4192 and HSA 4190. This course was formally known as Introduction to Medical Informatics.

HSA 4193   Electronic Clinical Record Systems

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course explores the use and evaluation of commercially available electronic medical record systems. Healthcare workflow issues will be addressed as well as billing, collections, HIPAA, and scheduling. Offered concurrently with HSA 5198; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

HSA 4340   Personnel Administration in Healthcare

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course focuses on the fundamental concepts and practical tools used in the healthcare industry which are necessary for maximizing employee performance. Special emphasis is placed on the complex factors that influence the performance of the unique healthcare workforce in a dynamic industry.

HSA 4383   Quality Improvement in Healthcare

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides students with an overview of concepts and issues related to quality improvement in healthcare. Emphasis is placed on the implementation of continuous quality improvement strategies, the role of the team, the role of the patient, assessing risk, reducing medical errors, and future trends and challenges.

HSA 4430   Health Economics

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides instruction in healthcare economic theories, tools, and concepts and their application to the evolving healthcare industry.

HSA 4703   Coordinating Clinical Trials

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides an overview of clinical trial operations for learners of any academic field. Subject matter focuses on the history and regulatory guidance surrounding human subjects in drug trials, including current standards of Good Clinical Practices (GCP). Course emphasizes administrative functions required in real-world clinical research, such as informed consent, protocol review, study documentation, and research staff roles and responsibilities. Course also covers the storage, shipment, and safety issues concerning pharmaceutical drugs and biologic materials. Students participate in a virtual "Mock Study" to demonstrate comprehension of course materials and ability to work as a clinical team.

HSA 4905   Directed Study

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

HSA 4941   Internship

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 6 sh of credit)

This internship experience will provide students with hands-on experience in the health industry and exposure to key elements in this environment. Emphasis will be placed on effective professional communication, career development, and preparation of the student for the workforce. Students must be in good standing to enroll.

HSA 5198   Electronic Clinical Record Systems

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course explores the use and evaluation of commercially available electronic medical record systems. Healthcare workflow issues will be addressed as well as billing, collections, HIPAA, and scheduling. Offered concurrently with HSA 4193; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

HSA 5424   Clinical and Legal Considerations in Autism Treatment

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course explores both the legal influences behind autism treatment, as well as the clinical development of diagnostic and treatment procedures in both applied behavior analysis and relative fields of psychology. Landmark cases will be discussed related to special education and psychological treatment. Origins of neurotypical psychological milestones as it applies to diagnostic criteria will also be explored.

HSA 5905   Directed Study

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

HSA 6103   Health Services Administration

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course serves as the cornerstone of the MHA program, offering an orientation to UWF, the Department of Health Sciences and Administration, and the MHA program. It introduces essential concepts in health services administration, such as change management, leadership theories, conflict management, professionalism, interpersonal skills, and delegation. These concepts are applicable in professional practice and establish a baseline for further study.

HSA 6106   Health Delivery Systems

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course explores healthcare delivery in the United States. Examines healthcare systems in other countries along with covering topics including American beliefs and values related to healthcare delivery, evolution of health services in the United States, health service professions, influence of medical technology, and the financing of health services.

HSA 6175   Healthcare Finance

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course explores the financial and revenue operations of healthcare organizations. Topics covered in this course include the purpose and objectives of financial administration of healthcare organizations, financial analysis and reporting in healthcare, third-party payments, cost classification and allocation for healthcare organizations, and reimbursement.

HSA 6197   Health Informatics

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course discusses the multifaceted, interdisciplinary nature of health informatics. Topics covered include: computer applications in medicine, health data classification and coding, and legal and ethical issues (including documentation, security, and regulatory requirements). Additional avenues for further credentialing will be covered.

HSA 6342   Human Resources in Healthcare

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course applies the concepts and theories of human resources to the unique needs of the healthcare workforce. Areas of focus include recruitment and retention, training and development, performance appraisal, and employment law as it relates to healthcare employment. Students will acquire the skills needed to oversee a diverse healthcare workforce effectively.

HSA 6385   Quality Improvement Processes in Health Organizations

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HSA 6752

This course provides an overview of methods to improve healthcare systems and healthcare delivery using quality improvement theories and frameworks to execute an improvement project. Students will learn to focus on identifying opportunities to improve processes, developing methods to identify factors that affect process, and using data to determine appropriate actions.

HSA 6425   Healthcare Law

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides an overview of laws most affecting healthcare practices. The legal basis for government involvement in healthcare is examined with an analysis of the laws controlling the provision of healthcare industry and professional regulations. This course provides and in-depth overview of healthcare law, allowing students to acquire skills to confirm their actions to legal requirements and ethically analyze daily healthcare situations. Although no prerequisites are required, HSC 6206 is recommended prior to taking this course.

HSA 6435   Decision Making in Healthcare

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HSA 6175

This course explores working capital, resource allocation, and healthcare reform. The material builds on topics covered in HSA 6175 Healthcare Finance.

HSA 6436   Health Economics

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: GEB 5871 AND HSA 6752

This course evaluates health economic theories and tools and their application to current issues from the perspective of healthcare administrators. Prerequisites: GEB 5871 or its equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or better. HSA 6752 or its equivalent with a grade of C (2.0) or better.

HSA 6707   Strategic Planning in Healthcare Administration

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course is designed to provide students with a thorough grasp of current issues in healthcare administration and strategic planning in healthcare organizations. Students will delve into vital subjects such as contemporary healthcare challenges, emerging trends, and the pivotal role of organizational alignment in achieving organizational excellence.

HSA 6752   Quantitative Foundations and Data Analysis for Health Admin

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course will introduce the methods for description and analysis which provide healthcare professionals with useful tools for making sense from data. The course will cover how healthcare data is dependent on analysis, categorization, and management.

HSA 6944   Internship in Health Administration

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

The internship program is intended to provide students with the opportunity to use and develop conflict resolution skills, integrate the theory and practice of conflict analysis and resolution, and network with professionals in the field to enhance employment opportunities. Students have the opportunity to take on leadership roles, gain new knowledge and skills, develop workplace competencies and connect theories from courses to the practical world outside of the classroom. As a student of conflict analysis and resolution, the combined internship and academic credit provide the occasion and space to reflect as you practice. Students should take this course close to the completion of the MHA program. Grades are provided on a satisfactory / unsatisfactory basis only.

HSA 6947   Healthcare Administration Capstone

College of Health, Department of Health Sciences & Admin

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HSA 6435

Designed to help students make the transition from theory to practice, this course focuses on sharpening analytical and intuitive leadership practices through interactive projects. The purpose of this capstone is to facilitate the integration and synthesis of content through critical thinking. Students demonstrate critical thinking skills in actively and skillfully conceptualizing information to inform executive decisions. The capstone is a total immersion experience in which students are challenged to use all of the tools and concepts learned to date to tackle a new venture for a healthcare organization.