HIS: General History and Historiography Courses


HIS 2050   Explore History: Special Topics

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course provides an in-depth experience for students to learn about special topics in history. Meets General Education requirement in Social Sciences. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

HIS 3002   The Historian's Craft

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Intensive experience in historical research and writing, methodology, and interpretations. Required for all history majors. Permission is required.

HIS 3313   Issues in Gender and Diversity

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Provides an interdisciplinary introduction to the theoretical and social issues regarding diverse groups and gender stereotypes. Focuses on how gender and diversity fit into the actions and interactions of the private and public sectors, and presents information on how to effectively promote institutions, relationships, politics, and services that value diversity and eliminate gender stereotypes.

HIS 3930   Junior Seminar

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HIS 3002

The Junior Seminar acts as a 'capstone' course for history majors in their Junior year. This course provides the student with an opportunity to refine and practice skills learned in previous courses and to produce a work of historical scholarship. Each student will conduct original research and write a paper based on primary and secondary sources. At the end of the semester the student will give an oral presentation.

HIS 4066   Local History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Introduction to theory, methodology, and application of local history. Required attendance on field trips to local historical archives, museums, and sites.

HIS 4072   Oral and Community History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Introduces students to the discipline of oral history and to demonstrate the techniques in which oral history is used to address the history, structure, function, and development of communities. Offered concurrently with HIS 5077; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

HIS 4262   Rise and Fall of the Portuguese Empire

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course follows the creation, evolution, and fall of the longest empire in history: the Portuguese Empire. It begins with the earliest explorations of the African Coast, including the creation of the Atlantic Slave Trade. Next, it follows Portuguese merchants and explorers to the Middle East, India, and Brazil. The course examines both their successes and failures, including their interactions with the Spanish, Dutch, French, and British across their empire. Toward the 18th and 19th centuries, the course turns to an investigation of independence movements in the Portuguese colonies as Portuguese power declined globally. In particular it looks at why Brazil had the only peaceful transition to independence in the Americas. The course ends with the final fall of the Empire when they lost their African colonies in the 1970s tracing the lasting impact of the Portuguese on the continent. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

HIS 4284   Maritime History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Survey of impact of oceans, rivers and other bodies of water upon the development of mankind. Focus on settlement in maritime areas, maritime commerce, exploration, military and naval history, social intellectual and other activities and developments impacted or influenced by the sea.

HIS 4491   History of Medicine and Society

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Explores the selected topics in the history of western medicine and public health from the early modern period to the present. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

HIS 4905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

HIS 4935   Senior Seminar

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HIS 3930

The Senior Seminar is the capstone experience for history majors. Students will work closely with the instructor to create a substantial and original research paper based on primary sources. This course requires the student to utilize a broad range of skills required of a historian. The seminar will conclude with a oral presentation.

HIS 5059   Graduate Methods I: The Historian's Craft

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Even though history is the study of the past, recent developments have begun to revolutionize how historians access and analyze their sources. This course begins by discussing the development of the study and theory of history. We will then move forward to consider new approaches to history. From anthropological theory and material cultural to the use of digital archives, we will delve into the many different ways to access the past, including even popular history. Through the use of digital archives we will then learn how to read the oldest sources through the art of paleography. All the while students will learn or review the basic skills of a historian as he/she begins to research a topic. Students will begin by choosing a research topic and then slowly create their research paper through the perusal of primary sources, historiographic essays, and scholarly reviews. By the end of the course students will possess a well-crafted research paper that will form the basis of future research at UWF and perhaps as future PhD students.

HIS 5063   Graduate Methods II: The Professional Historian

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HIS 5059

Graduates of history master's degree programs pursue a wide range of careers. This professional development seminar familiarizes students with many of these career opportunities. It also provides training in the practical, professional skills, habits, and modes of thought of working historians. Through hands-on workshops, panel discussions, guest speakers, and site visits, students will hone the skills historians commonly use in a variety of professional capacities. Students will develop a comprehensive professional portfolio, curate their professional online presence, present at an academic conference, and produce a publishable article based on their Methods I research paper.

HIS 5066   Local History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Introduction to theory, methodology, and application of local history. Required attendance on field trips to local historical archives, museums, and sites. Offered concurrently with HIS 4066; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

HIS 5077   Oral and Community History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Introduces students to the discipline of oral history and to demonstrate the techniques in which oral history is used to address the history, structure, function, and development of communities. Offered concurrently with HIS 4072; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

HIS 5087   Museology and Museography

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HIS 6055

The historical development and fundamental operations of history and other humanities-focused museums.

HIS 5515   History of Architecture

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Examines the development of European architecture as a basis for understanding trends in American architecture from the colonial era to the twentieth century. Introduces the professional aspects of building and construction along with materials and techniques in building restoration and renovation.

HIS 6055   Public History Seminar

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Seminar examines the core concepts, principles, processes, and methodologies of Public History. The course also includes an introduction to foundational applied methodologies.

HIS 6083   Historic and Heritage Preservation Seminar

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Examines the evolution and theory of the historic preservation movement in the United States and the various methodologies associated with preservation and cultural resources management activities in the government and private sectors.

HIS 6085   Historic Preservation Certificate Capstone

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

1 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ANG 6196 AND HIS 5087 AND HIS 6055

This is the capstone professional research project for the Historic Preservation Graduate Certificate Program. In concern with HP faculty and the Historic Preservation Certificate program coordinator students will select a historic property for evaluation using the standards and format specified by the U.S. Secretary of Interior under the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The coordinator and associated HP faculty must approve the project. The project culminates in draft nomination for the National Register of Historic Places. Students must have completed all required courses for the Historic Preservation Certificate before completing the capstone project for evaluation. Satisfactory completion of the project is required to receive the Certificate.

HIS 6285   Maritime and Coastal History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Survey of the impact of oceans, rivers, and other bodies of water on history. Focuses on settlement in maritime areas, maritime commerce, exploration, military and naval history, social, cultural, intellectual, and other activities and developments impacted or influenced by the sea.

HIS 6450   Comparative Slaveries in the Atlantic World

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Everyone can agree on the magnitude, impact, and violence of the trans-Atlantic African slave trade. What is less known are the diversity of actors who participated in this trade. From Prussian merchants to African kings and Canary Islanders, this course investigates the many faces of the Atlantic and Pacific slave trades. We will also compare and contrast the African trade with the Indian slave trades (trades in the Circum-Caribbean to the Southeastern U.S. as well as the trade from the Philippines to Central America) to see how each business affected one another. In addition we look at the diverse ways that different European powers approached slavery. Finally, we will focus on the many strategies for survival employed by Indian, Chino, and African slaves in the face of unimaginable violence and exploitation. It is in the resistance and agency of slaves that we find the seeds of present day African American culture.

HIS 6904   Directed Readings

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

1-3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Permission is required.

HIS 6905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

HIS 6938   Graduate Capstone

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HIS 5059 AND HIS 5063

Under the close supervision of the instructor, students in this course demonstrate their competencies in the theory and practice of history by completing a scholarly project or internship experience relevant to their MA program track. In addition, students will develop and present a comprehensive portfolio that showcases their professional and scholarly skills and experiences. The capstone experience affirms students’ professional competence in disciplinary appropriate critical and creative thinking, real-world problem solving, reasoned and ethical decision-making, and effective communication.

HIS 6946   Public History Internship

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of History and Philosophy

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: HIS 5059 AND HIS 5063

The internship provides an extended practical experience in the field of public history under the supervision of an on-site professional at an institution or agency such as a local, state, or national museum; archive; historic preservation site; oral history program; historic district; or other relevant non-profit organization. Minimum of 220 hours required at the partnering site. Permission required.