ENT: Entrepreneurship Courses


ENT 2612   Entrepreneurial Creativity and Innovation

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course explores the integral role creativity and generation of ideas play in the innovation process. The course is designed to examine the theory behind creativity and innovation and to analyze how individual characteristics and organizational processes can enhance creativity. Students will engage in experiential learning assignments and exercises to facilitate skill development and increased confidence in these important areas. Students will work individually and in teams to apply the course content to a variety of real-world scenarios.

ENT 4615   Foundations of Entrepreneurial Leadership

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

The course provides a transformative experience beyond the classroom by helping student develop an entrepreneurial mindset that can be applied to startups as well as organizations of all kinds. The class will promote active learning and engagement. Student will be required to address the challenges of generating new ideas, designing valued innovations, conceptualizing business opportunities and envisioning new business models in a global framework to achieve a competitive advantage.

ENT 4940   Internship in Entrepreneurial Leadership

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This internship is facilitated through the Center for Entrepreneurship and marks the final step toward completing the Innovation Leadership minor. It affords students the opportunity to be embedded in an actual enterprise, learn first-hand how innovation works in that enterprise and contribute to the success of the enterprise. Candidate enterprises may include new entrepreneurial ventures as well as those existing enterprises who partner with the Center for Entrepreneurship and the College of Business. Students will engage in experiential learning assignments and exercises and work to achieve the experiential objectives in a variety of real-world scenarios. All proposals for internship must be approved by advisor, chairperson and sponsor. All internships include seminar on internship experience, including weekly journals, written reports and an oral presentation to department chairperson. Graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis only. Permission is required.

ENT 6016   Launching New Ventures

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course will develop the knowledge and skills needed to start a new business. Students navigate the challenges associated with launching a new venture. The curriculum focuses on identifying a venture idea, walking through the venture development and business model processes, and pivoting based on analysis and customer feedback.

ENT 6017   Venture Development & Growth

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Students will develop skills related to opportunity recognition, exploitation and innovation. These topics will be presented at the individual level focusing on startup business creation. At the corporate level, the focus will be on understanding the foundations of innovative companies and best practices for corporate innovation and intrapreneurship.

ENT 6608   Product Design

College of Business, Department of Business Administration

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Explores the topic of designing a new product. The course dives into different approaches and concepts surrounding the critical entrepreneurial task of creating and developing goods. The fundamental topic of new products is addressed through multiple lenses and perspectives integrating entrepreneurial concepts with business strategy, human resources, and general management with the aim to help students learn how to design something of value.