EDE: Education: Elementary Courses
EDE 3905 Directed Study
School of Education, Department of Teaching, Leadership, & Res
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
EDE 4200 Planning and Curriculum
School of Education, Department of Teaching, Leadership, & Res
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Designed to assist students to learn basic planning and instructional skills in preparation for teaching. Course also includes essential mathematics skills requisite to the Florida Teacher Certification Exam. Students will implement the knowledge gained through lower division content-specific courses and prepare for the methodological courses in the teacher education program.
EDE 4201 Planning and Curriculum II
School of Education, Department of Teaching, Leadership, & Res
3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ((EDE 4200 AND SCE 4310*)) AND (LAE 3314* OR MAE 4310* OR SSE 4113)
This course is designed to assist prospective teachers to use their knowledge of content and pedagogical methods as a basis for developing skills in planning integrated elementary curriculum. Students will implement the knowledge gained through lower division content-specific courses and upper division methods courses to create interdisciplinary units of instruction that are designed to facilitate elementary children s learning across all content areas.
EDE 4905 Directed Study
School of Education, Department of Teaching, Leadership, & Res
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
EDE 5905 Directed Study
School of Education, Department of Teaching, Leadership, & Res
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
EDE 6905 Directed Study
School of Education, Department of Teaching, Leadership, & Res
1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)
- *
This course may be taken prior to or during the same term.