ART: Art Courses


ART 1001C   Studio Art for Beginners

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 6 sh of credit)

This course is designed as an introduction to diverse studio art practices and disciplines that potential art majors will need, including portfolio development. Students can have general "high-school" level experience with studio art but this isn't necessary. A sampling of Painting, Drawing, Ceramics, and Print Making will be studied through discussion and studio practice. Students will also begin developing their own portfolios for critique.

ART 1015C   Exploring Artistic Vision

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Challenges the student to explore alternative modes of perception and interpretation, and includes elements of the Western canon, through lectures, discussion, and hands-on application. Material and Supply fee will be assessed. Meets General Education requirement in Humanities.

ART 1300C   Drawing I - Fundamentals

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Students will study several media and how to use them. Instruction in drawing still life, landscapes and other objects/subjects provided. Students develop perception of proportions along with black/white media compositional concepts. Invites all students. Material and supply fee will be assessed.

ART 1301C   Drawing II - Fundamentals

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1300C

Continuation and further development of the studies in ART 1300C. Material and supply fee will be assessed.

ART 2201C   Two-Dimensional Design

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Introduction to the concepts by which shape, value and color control space; ideas fundamental to the visual arts. Invites all students. Material and supply fee will be assessed.

ART 2203C   Three-Dimensional Design

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Designed to provide the beginning art major with a firm grounding in the technical strategies needed to create forms in space. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 2400C   General Printmaking

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Introduction to various printmaking techniques possibly including block printing, calligraphy, monotype, etching and engraving. Content varies according to instructor. Prerequisite for all other printmaking courses. Invites all students. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 2500C   Painting I - Fundamentals

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1300C AND ART 2201C

Students will study paint, color, the tools to use and how to use them. The student is instructed to paint using still life, landscapes, possibly figures, and other objects / subjects. Some materials supplied. Primarily an introductory painting course for art majors. Credit may not be earned in both ART 2510C and ART 2500C. Material and supply fee will be assessed.

ART 2602C   Introduction to Digital Studio Practice

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1300C AND ART 2201C

A prerequisite for all courses in the Digital Practice Studio. Students gain a working knowledge of Apple Macintosh OS, are introduced to the basics of Adobe Photoshop and exposed to the myriad of programs and equipment available in the Department of Art Mac Lab. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 2701C   Fundamentals of Sculpture

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1300C AND ART 1301C AND ART 2201C AND ART 2203C

Course explores a wide range of contemporary sculpture, and familiarizes students with current genres and issues. Assignments develop important foundational skills in 3-D design, construction and materials, while challenging the mind with compelling concepts. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 2821   The Self, Creativity, Your Career and Visual Culture

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This class is designed to teach students abstract and creative thinking through the dynamics of visual culture. Incorporated into the course are the ways we process and read the visual world that surrounds us. Students will explore theories of cognition and creativity. Although this course is based in theoretical constructs, the practice of High Impact Learning experiences will be utilized in order to apply creative thinking in the major field of study students are pursuing. Ultimately, students will learn how to apply the creative method to a diverse array of disciplines, helping to foster entrepreneurship in their chosen career paths. Meets General Education requirement in Humanities.

ART 2905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ART 3208C   Color Theory for Studio Artists

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Study of the additive and subtractive principles of color theory as they apply to the visual communications in the fine and applied arts. Emphasis placed on color mixing, color relationships, visual impact as well as psychological and symbolic uses of color. Topics will include major historical and contemporary color systems, production of projects in applied color, and the elements of design as they apply to color.

ART 3213C   Advanced Ideas and Concepts

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1300C AND ART 1301C AND ART 2201C AND ART 2203C

A personal and group exploration of the artistic process, which harnesses the skills developed in the foundation art and media-based course to expand the creative potential. For advanced art majors and all BFA candidates in their junior year. Material and Supply fee will be assessed.

ART 3312C   Drawing III: The Figure

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1300C AND ART 1301C AND ART 2201C

Requires essential education in drawing the human figure, whose accurate visualization remains a vital component of all artistic media and practice. Builds on the foundation art courses in drawing and two dimensional-design, which are necessary prerequisites. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3313C   Drawing for Non-Majors

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Drawing for Non-Majors is for beginning artists who want to improve their drawing skills. Emphasizes composition, line, proportion, perspective, value, shading, and introduces color. Students will explore the technical handling of different types of materials through exercises and finished drawings. Material and Supply fee will be assessed.

ART 3442C   Advanced Printmaking: Intaglio

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1300C AND ART 1301C AND ART 2201C AND ART 2203C

Discussion and exploration into a variety of printmaking techniques unique to the intaglio process. The philosophical and functional aspects of the course will be cultivated. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3504C   Painting II-Intermediate

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 1301C AND ART 2500C

Includes fundamentals review. Develops individuality. Uses observational and conceptual experiences / project. Stresses understanding / perceiving color, using media and techniques appropriate to the student's personal development. Primarily for art majors. Credit may not be earned in both ART 3530C and ART 3504C. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3505C   Painting III-Advanced

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3504C

Individual development in media, technique and concept will be stressed. Possibilities of painting other than easel painting will be presented. Investigation and experimentation responding to situations and projects is required. Credit cannot be received for both ART3505C and ART 3405C.

ART 3507C   Painting for Non-Majors

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Students will study paint, color, the tools to use and how to use them. The student is instructed to paint using still life, landscapes, possibly figures, and other objects / subjects. Some materials supplied. Primarily an introductory painting for majors outside of art. Invites all students. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed. Credit may not be received in both ART 3507C and ART 3500C.

ART 3613C   Digital Multimedia

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ART 2602C

Issues and applications of digital technology and critical thinking in art. Conceptual utilization of both theoretical thinking and contemporary digital studio art practice, with possible emphasis on video art, video streaming technology, emerging technology, installation, programming and / or robotics to be determined by instructor. Students work both individually and collaboratively on projects that can involve video, space, time, objects, film, robotics, programming, or any other appropriate media. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3618C   Introduction to Web-based Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 2602C

An introduction to the Internet as a platform for fine art practice. A study of the history of web-based interactive artworks, contemporary concepts and issues are explored through regular critiques, readings, and screenings. Students will produce and critique artworks using HTML, scripting, and software-based site production for the web. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3630C   Artist's Video

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)

An introduction to digital video using Final Cut Pro, iMovie, and After Effects. Focuses on video as an art medium, the history of video art and looking at examples from key artists of our time. Students must purchase a flash drive or a firewall external hard drive of at least 40GB for use in this class. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3660C   Digital Photo Exploration

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 2602C

Designed for student artists interested in capturing digital images that can stand alone as compelling visual statements, or be incorporated within a broader artistic framework. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3681C   Interactive Electronic Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 2602C

Introduction to microcontrollers, electronics, and coding in the development of interactive objects and environments for artists and designers. Issues addressed include accessibility, usability, interface development, product design, fabrication, etc.

ART 3714C   Advanced Sculpture: Exploring Materials

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 2701C

Focuses on sculptural media and object making, both traditional and in contemporary practice. Provides further investigation into the selection of 3-D materials and its implications for authorship, meaning, environmental responsibility, and health concerns. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3718C   Advanced Sculpture: Intro to New Genres

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 2701C

Reorganizes the open-ended nature of "sculpture" as a category in art practice today. Moves beyond the conventional definition of sculpture as concerned with volume and mass in space. Topics include how art is responsive to its context, and the issue of authorship, process, and vulnerability will be explored. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3739C   Advanced Sculpture: Installation

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 2701C

Course will examine strategies for work on site, gaining an understanding of the complex intersection of the social, cultural, built, and natural environment that are essential to the creation of an artist's intention, independently or in collaboration with others, in and out of the art world. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3760C   Ceramics

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Variety of hand-forming processes including throwing on the potter's wheel. Deals with basic glazing and firing techniques. Invites all students. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3762C   Ceramics: Wheelthrowing

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3760C

Intermediate course in throwing techniques. Deals with clay in terms of functional as well as sculptural considerations. Covers a broad range of technical information. Material and supply fee will be assessed.

ART 3769C   Sculptural Ceramics

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3760C

Designed to encompass all skill levels from beginning to advanced. Work will be focused on using the clay body and glazes to create non-utilitarian works of art. Wheel throwing, coil building and slab building methods will be employed as needed to realize this goal. The main firing method will be cone 10 gas firing to create long-lasting stoneware pieces. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 3789C   Advanced Ceramics: Mold Making and Slip Casting

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3760C

This class teaches a variety of mold making processes for ceramics, including the use of molds for sculptural and functional forms. Molds are tools which enable a more precise replication of an object. This course will five students the opportunity to identify circumstances where a mold could be utilized. Mold forms for this class will range from bisque molds to plaster molds. The proper application and procedures for plaster use will also be taught.

ART 3905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ART 3930   Special Topics in Painting and Drawing

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-9 sh (may be repeated for up to 27 sh of credit)

Unique topics concerning painting and drawing. Students should have background of fundamentals in painting and/or drawing. Assignments will vary.

ART 3950   Junior Portfolio Review

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

0 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ARH 2050 AND ARH 2051 AND ART 2201C AND ART 2203C AND ART 2300C AND ART 2301C AND ART 3213C

The satisfactory evaluation of the student's critical and technical skills is essential for successful completion of Bachelor of Fine Arts programs in Studio Art and Digital Art. The Junior Portfolio Review is required for those students pursuing the Studio Art B.F.A. or the Digital Art B.F.A. This is typically taken at the end of the sophomore or beginning of the junior year. Passing this review is required for enrollment in upper division courses and BFA Senior Seminar I and II. Students must be enrolled in or have completed (with a "C" or better) the required pre-requisites. Students who are enrolled in one or more of the prerequisite course(s) in the semester applying for portfolio must submit an unofficial transcript at the end of the semester showing a grade of "C" or better in the course. Students who do not pass the review may retake the review. Transfer students who are not currently enrolled at UWF must submit an unofficial transcript before enrolling in the section.

ART 4161C   New and Mixed Media: Personal Directions

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3213C

Focused research in new and mixed media with attention to the development of a personal artistic statement. For advanced upper-level students only. May be designated a capstone experience. Permission is required. Material and Supply fee will be assessed.

ART 4332C   Drawing IV - Advanced

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3312C

While there is a continuation of the development of many of the concepts of drawing from ART 3312C, this course is dedicated to the study of life drawing concepts. The human figure will be the primary subject matter. Extensive experimentation and exploration of drawing media use in relation to the figure will be stressed. Permission is required. Material and supply fee will be assessed. Credit cannot be received for both ART 4332C and ART 4320C.

ART 4333C   Drawing V - Advanced

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 4332C

Use of classroom / studio situation to direct the student towards independent study. Student will be required to participate in the structuring of projects and experiences that demand individual investigation and development. Material and supply fee will be assessed. Credit may not be earned in both ART 4332C and ART 4333C.

ART 4386C   Drawing: Personal Directions

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)

Topics tailored to the advanced drawing student's personal creative exploration. May be used as a capstone experience by studio art majors. Permission is required. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 4506C   Painting IV-Advanced

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3505C

Use of the classroom / studio to direct the student in independent study. Students will be required to initiate the structuring of projects and experiences and to pursue them with individual development and investigation.

ART 4520C   Painting: Personal Directions

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)

Unique topics concerning painting for the upper level or advanced student. Students should have an extensive background in the fundamentals of painting, drawing, and design, as well as an advanced knowledge of ideas / concepts in contemporary painting. May be designated a capstone experience.

ART 4619C   Advanced Digital Multimedia

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3613C

Advanced issues and applications of digital technology and critical thinking in art. Conceptual utilization of both theoretical thinking and contemporary digital studio art practice, with possible emphasis on video art, video streaming technology, installation, programming and / or robotics to be determined by instructor. Students work both individually and in collaboration on projects that can involve video, sound, space, time, objects, film, robotics, programming or any other appropriate media. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 4632C   Digital Design Studio Senior Project

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3618C

Designed for seniors in the Graphic Design BA and Digital Art BFA programs pursuing self-initiated and self-directed projects. Projects may include the development of a single (or sequential) large-scale artwork, the further development of projects begun at the lower level for inclusion in the senior portfolio, and/or design and development of the senior exit show and/or senior design portfolio. Students' proposals must be approved by the instructor at least two weeks before the start of the semester. May be designated a capstone experience. Permission is required. Material and Supply Fee will be assessed.

ART 4633C   Advanced Interactive Electronic Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3681C AND ART 3950

Advanced practice and development using microcontrollers, electronics, and coding of interactive objects and environments for artists and designers. Issues addressed include accessibility, usability, interface development, product design, fabrication, etc.

ART 4712C   Sculpture: Personal Directions

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)

Focused research into advanced specialized sculptural processes not normally covered within the normal sculpture course offerings. Processes covered are dependent upon direction of work. Contemporary art concepts are an integral part of this class. For advanced upper-level students only. May be designated a capstone course. Material Supply fee will be assessed.

ART 4767C   Digital Ceramics

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Students will develop skills through the use of computers and 3D modeling software in order to push the boundaries of ceramics through experimentation via hands-on assignments. Students will use Rhino (CAD software) to develop and print forms in clay in order to explore the possibilities and perceived limitations of this production method.

ART 4787C   Ceramics: Personal Directions

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 9 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3764C

Design and the development of individual expression in clay. Student has a choice of forming techniques. Covers advanced firing and glazing techniques. Material and supply fee will be assessed.

ART 4800   Portfolio

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Provides the information, support, and technical ability needed to build a strong portfolio and prepare applications to graduate schools, residencies, and internships. Explains how to professionally enter the contemporary art market. Open to all art majors, but required of BFA students.

ART 4801C   BFA Senior Seminar I

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 3950

This is a seminar course designed to provide an advanced progression of work/projects associated with BFA Senior Seminar II in regard to key critical terms and topics widely used and discussed in Art practice and theory. Activities are designed to provide a guided inquiry into each student's own art practice and to support the completion of a body of work and critical writings required for the BFA Exit Exhibition. Prerequisites: Departmental permission required.

ART 4891C   BFA Senior Seminar II

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ART 4801C

This is a seminar course designed to provide an advanced progression of work/projects associated with BFA Senior Seminar I in regard to key critical terms and topics widely used and discussed in Art practice and theory. Activities are designed to provide a guided inquiry into each student's own art practice and to support the completion of a body of work and critical writings required for the BFA Exit Exhibition. Prerequisites: Departmental permission required.

ART 4905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ART 4940   Internship in Studio Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-6 sh (may be repeated for up to 6 sh of credit)

This course offers immersive experience for students with an internal or external internship partner, integrating key elements of professions in the specific fields of art and focusing on the acquisition of 21st Century skills. Internships are on an "as available" basis; Art Majors may request an internship by submitting written proposals to the Department's Internship Coordinator, their advisor, or the Chair. Proposals must be approved by the Internship Coordinator prior to registration as well as by the advisor and sponsor. Senior status, 2.5 GPA overall, and a 3.0 GPA in the major is required. All internships include reports on internship experience, including weekly journals, written reports and an oral presentation to the Internship coordinator. Graded on a satisfactory / unsatisfactory basis only. Permission is required.

ART 5905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ART 6905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)