ARH: Art History Courses


ARH 1000   Art Appreciation

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

In this course, students will develop the ability to think critically about human culture and be provided with the tools to understand, analyze, and discuss works of visual art and material culture. Student Learning Outcomes: • Students will identify and describe terms, concepts, and methods used in the discipline of art history. • Students will apply terms, concepts, and methods used in the discipline of art history to works of visual art and material culture. • Students will identify and describe works of visual art and material culture in the works’ cultural context, including works from or inspired by the Western canon and other cultural traditions. • Students will analyze works of visual art and material culture in the works’ cultural context, including works from or inspired by the Western Canon and other cultural traditions. • Students will generate an analytical response to works of visual art and material culture in the works’ cultural context. Not open to art majors. Credit may not be received in both ARH 1000 and ARH 1010. Meets General Education requirement in Humanities. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 1905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ARH 2050   Western Survey I: Prehistory to the Medieval Period

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Analyzes the western aesthetic heritage within its cultural context from the birth of art through the Medieval period. Meets General Education requirement in Humanities. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 2051   Western Survey II: Renaissance to Contemporary

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Analyzes the Western aesthetic heritage within its cultural context from the fifteenth century to the present. Required of all art majors. Satisfies the lower division requirement, ARH 1000. Meets General Education requirement in Humanities. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 3150   Ancient Roman Art and Architecture

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Explores the development of art and architecture of ancient Rome, from its foundation to the breakup of the empire and the death of Constantine. Important works, sites, and architectural achievements will be studied within the context provided by history, archaeology, literature, and ideology.

ARH 3201   Art and Culture in The Global Middle Ages

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course will explore the design and function of art within the context of the Global Middle Ages. This thematic based course will critically analyze the concept of the Middle Ages through an art historical globalist methodology in order to refine the students' understanding of the legacy of the concepts of "Medieval" and "Middle Ages". We will explore how artworks, as cultural productions, were conceived to meet and influence their audiences; the relationship between various forms of artistic productions, how the roles of the patron, artists, and audience met and were negotiated; and how networks and interchange reveal and call into question the aforementioned legacy of the Middle Ages. Students will engage with the study of selected objects and translated primary sources taken from both within the European and Global spheres. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 3301   Early European Renaissance

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course will examine the visual arts in western Europe from the 14th to the 15th century. Through a variety of visual and translated written sources, we will actively reconsider the idea of the Renaissance visual culture outside of the long-standing paradigms of the Italian and Northern Renaissance. The effect of cultural exchange will be considered against the formation of increasingly regional identities, and the influence of changing economic, social, political, and ideological conditions. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 3303   Late European Renaissance

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course will examine the visual arts in western Europe from the 15th to the 16th century. Through a variety of visual and translated written sources, we will actively reconsider the idea of the Renaissance visual culture outside of the long-standing paradigms of the Italian and Northern Renaissance. We will sample a variety of media produced in major centers of artistic production. Special consideration will be given to the continued process of artistic exchange within Europe, as well as the lasting influence of new discoveries and broadened cultural contacts. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 3350   Baroque Art and Architecture

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Explores artistic expression in Italy, France, Spain, the Low Countries, England, Germany and Austria in the 17th and early 18th centuries. Examines the work of major artists from the period from within regional social and cultural contexts, as well as European and worldwide cultural contacts. Major works of art will be considered in context with notions of religion, morality, humor, and history. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 3590   Non-Western Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

The changing interpretations of non western art will be examined in the context of contemporary opinion. Emphasis will be placed on the arts of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and the Americas. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 3607   Native American Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

This course examines the history of Native North American art from its prehistory to the present. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 3621   American Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

A comprehensive survey of American painting, sculpture, and architecture from the seventeenth century to the third quarter of the twentieth century. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 3724   History of Graphic Design

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

An analysis of the history of Graphic Design from its inception through its current role in contemporary society. Explores the historical relationship between graphic design and additional design disciplines such as: fashion, architecture, industrial, furniture and digital media design. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 3871   Women in Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Investigates the history and issues surrounding the roles of women in the visual arts: women as artists, models, subjects, and patrons. Explores differences in the portrayal of women by both women and men artists. Includes assessment of women's themes, materials, critical theory, and cultural identities. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 3905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ARH 4412   The Age of Revolution to Romanticism in Europe: 1750-1850

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ARH 2050 AND ARH 2051

Focuses on the conflict between revolutionary and conservative forces in European art from Neo-Classicism to Romanticism. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 4417   Art and Science in the Nineteenth Century

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ARH 2051

This course considers topics and ideas in the representation of emergent scientific theories of the nineteenth century and the complex entanglement of artistic and scientific imagery. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 4450   Modern Art: 1850-1980

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Ideas and styles which shaped the course of avant-garde art from Realism to 1980. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 4470   Contemporary Art

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Central issues and concepts of contemporary movements in art. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 4563   Art of Japan

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Major works of art from Japanese history will be explored within their social, political, and ideological contexts. Students will gain a broad knowledge of the important developments in Japanese visual culture. The course covers the time period ranging from the Neolithic to Contemporary. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 4710   History of Photography

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

The history of photography and how it documents, relates to, reflects, and shapes history, culture and the arts. Offered concurrently with ARH 5715; graduate students will be assigned additional work.

ARH 4723   History of Graphic Design 2: Late Modern, Postmodern, and Contemporary

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ARH 3724

A follow up to the History of Graphic Design with special attention on work from the mid twentieth century through today.

ARH 4830C   Museum and Gallery Studies

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Examines in depth the theoretical and practical aspects of museum / gallery management. Includes promotion, finance, grantsmanship, space design and other related issues. Offered concurrently with ARH 5836; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Credit may not be received in both ARH 4830C and ARH 3830C.

ARH 4835   Museum and Gallery Studies Practicum

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may be repeated for up to 6 sh of credit)
Prerequisite: ARH 4830C

Advanced study of theoretical and practical aspects of museum / gallery management through placement in a non-profit museum or gallery. Students participate in full range of activities available in the setting, but are also expected to complete a specific museum / gallery project. Offered concurrently with ARH 5947; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Permission is required.

ARH 4889   Inscribed Bodies: Concepts of Tattoo and Body Art in World History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Explores the history of body art, from its association with prehistoric non-western cultures to contemporary artistic expression. Topics include: tattoo, piercings, body modification, adornment, conceptions of beauty, status, power, and identity. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement. Meets Multicultural Requirement.

ARH 4905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ARH 4911   Research in Art History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ARH 2050 AND ARH 2051

Provides the advanced art history student with an opportunity to execute an intensive original research project, one which ideally leads to publication or implementation. This is the capstone experience for art history. Prereq.: ARH 2050, ARH 2051. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 4930   Theory and Methods in Art History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)
Prerequisite: ARH 2050 AND ARH 2051

Explores the many methodologies employed by art historians to understand works of art, including biography, formalism, psychoanalysis, iconography, semiotics,Post-Structuralism, Marxism, Feminism, and Postcolonial Theory. Required for art history majors.Prereqs. ARH 2050, ARH 2051. Meets Gordon Rule Writing Requirement.

ARH 4940C   Internship in Art History

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-3 sh (may be repeated for up to 6 sh of credit)

This course offers immersive experience for students with an internal or external internship partner, integrating key elements of professions in the field of art history and focusing on the acquisition of 21st Century skills. Internships are on an "as available" basis; Art Majors may request an internship by submitting written proposals to the Department's Internship Coordinator, their advisor, or the Chair. Proposals must be approved by the Internship Coordinator prior to registration as well as by the advisor and sponsor. Senior status, 2.5 GPA overall, and a 3.0 GPA in the major is required. All internships include reports on internship experience, including weekly journals, written reports, and an oral presentation to Internship coordinator. Graded on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis only. Permission is required.

ARH 5836   Museum and Gallery Studies

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

3 sh (may not be repeated for credit)

Examines in depth the theoretical and practical aspects of museum/gallery management. Includes promotion, finance, grantsmanship, space design and other related issues. Offered concurrently with ARH 4830C; graduate students will be assigned additional work. Permission is required.

ARH 5905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)

ARH 6905   Directed Study

Col of Arts, Soc Sci and Human, Department of Art and Design

1-12 sh (may be repeated indefinitely for credit)